~~ Heaven's Lights To All ~~
** Hi Dears **
It is a wonderful step to start again with new Blog…a Bog with my simple writings.
I hope I will be able to express my view points in proper and decent way. Perhaps we can share our thoughts and ideas with the limits of respect. I want to make this Blog as a platform to express my thoughts (and maybe my close friends thoughts) about some issues and news.
I will write about everything "including the main subject of this Blog".
"The main Subject"
"The main Subject"
Of course you are know wondering what is my main Subject here. I will say to you … the "Religions"… basically my religion "Islam" and others religions. I called that "The Heavens' Lights". The Lights that God sent it to us.
You should open the eye of your mind and seek for the Truth by yourself…
Don't be like Parrot just repeating others words without realizing what that's all about or it's true or false.
Hope you will understand and realize the essence of Life.
Best Wishes,,,,
~**~ PEACE ~**~
Don't be like Parrot just repeating others words without realizing what that's all about or it's true or false.
Hope you will understand and realize the essence of Life.
Best Wishes,,,,
~**~ PEACE ~**~

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