Heaven's Lights Heaven's Lights: دعونا نفكر بها من جديد

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

دعونا نفكر بها من جديد

دعونا نفكر بها من جديد

لا أنكر أني كنت عاطفية جدا و النار مشتعلة ألماً و ضيقاً و قهراً بداخلي مما أراه من عدوان غاشم همجي قذر تعودنا أن نراه من الصهاينة ، فهم لا يملكون الإحساس و لا الضمير و لا المبادئ و القيم، لكن مبهورة بحزب الله الوحيد في مواجهة ترسانة الموت الصهيونية ، هم لوحدهم تمكنوا من بث الرعب في الصهاينة و تمريغ الغطرسة الصهيونية بالأرض ، لم يكن الصهاينة ليتوقعوا أن يقدر حزب الله على المواجهة و ضربهم ، توقعوا أنهم بضربهم المدنيين و البنية التحتية و الهجوم الهمجي الجائر الوسخ سينذل الجميع و يركعوا لهم لينفذوا طلباتهم.
هي ضربة قوية و جريئة جدا من حزب الله المتواضع بالنسبة إلى آليات الموت الصهيونية المتسلحة بكل التكنولوجيا الغربية الأمريكية، الفرق الوحيد أن جهة لديهم قوة الإيمان بالله والتوكل عليه و الجهة الأخرى لا إيمان لديها سوى بما يملكونه من قوة السلاح.
عموماً ، يظل الأمر مؤلم أن نرى أطفال و عائلات تباد و تقتل لأجل حثالة أو "قذارة" من الصهاينة (كما يشرفني أن أقول كلمة سيادة الرئيس الجليل بوش) ، والذي يقهر أكثر أن نسمع تعليقات الدول العربية المتخاذلة ، والتي تعيب على حزب الله ردة و دفاعه ، فكلامهم و تعليقهم اشد و أقوى قبحاً و ألماً من كل القتل والتدمير الذي صار و يصير ، هذا ما يجعل الصهاينة و معها أمريكا و الغرب أقوى منا و أعلى منا و هذا يجعلهم مطمئنين أننا لا نزال على كلمة الاختلاف المتوارثة.
الصهاينة بكل طوائفهم و أحزابهم و معارضتهم اجتمعوا على كلمة واحدة و هم على ظلال، فما بالنا نحن؟؟!!
البعض يقول أننا يجب أن نكون مستعدين لهم، وهذا ما لن يحدث أبداً ما دمنا مائعين بهذه الصورة ، ما دمنا نفتح قنواتنا العربية العظيمة بحثاً عن جديد لنجدهم يطبلون و يرقصون و يمرحون ، وكأن لبنان و فلسطين من كواكب أخرى لا صلة لنا بها. لن يحدث ما دمنا نشجع الخلاعة و الميوعة و الفساد بدعمنا لكل القنوات والبرامج التي تخرج جيل جديد مائع خليع منحل.
أتمنى من الكل أن يفكر بنفسه و كيف يساعد ببناء الأمة من جديد ، هل يركض لهثا وراء قنوات الغناء والمجون و يبدد ماله و وقته لها و يدعم بالتصويت وراءها. هل تتوقعوا لو أن الشعوب العربية لا تدعمها لبقيت تجارتها مزدهرة.
لم يسبق لي أن بددت فلس واحد لشراء كاسيت غنائي أو لدعم مترشح خليع في برنامج الخلاعة المعروف. أحمد الله أني لم افعل هذا سابقا و لن افعله مستقبلاً.
أبدا بنفسك و بأهل بيتك بالبعد عن الفساد أو تشجيعه. ولو أن كل شخص من هذا الأمة فعل هذا لصلحت الأمة في وقت قصير.
وعذرا على الإطالة
والسلام عليكم

Let's think about it again

I admit that I was really emotive and my heart fell with pain for what happening in Lebanon and for that unjust, savage and dirty aggression by the Zionists and we get used to see such thing by them as they have no feelings or conscience or principles. However, I'm really amazed by Hezbollah and their bold and bravery to reply alone with their simple arms while the Zionists got all the developed arms from America and west. One power that Zionists don't have while Hezbollah has it … the power of faith.
Zionists as usual targeted all things, buildings, families, women, children, all things, and not only in south, but in all 4 directions. They thought that will make people of Lebanon ran to UN and USA begging to stop and agree to apply any conditions for Zionists. So, it was big shock that didn't happen yet, and Hezbollah managed to answer the aggression by themselves and alone.
Yes, I'm not happy to see 100s of people of Lebanon and Palestine killed by Zionists for couple of "SHIT" (Oh, will Dear Honorable President Bush allows me to quote his special word here. It's a big honor. You know).

Anyways, I hope all this will end soon and only for people of Lebanon and Palestine.

Even in that racial state, the Arabs who still living inside and still in their homes felt alone and Zionists saved only the real Zionists, the shelters only for the real Zionists otherwise there is nothing for others. Well, it's expected thing to see for strange mixture for a community of racists.

Hope our world enjoying this Drama and this reality TV. Only humans can do this. Remember to watch the new Series of killing on TV News.


I wrote this yesterday or maybe 2 days ago. I'm not sure, but I thought I will delete it and I'm sick enough to start again. Well, I couldn't delete it, it's my thought at that night and I want you to read my thoughts. I know some will be mad and upset, but I think if you see what I see in TV news, you will change your mind. I tried to avoid any news or watching that horrible scenes, but I couldn’t. Oh, last night, I saw a family picked up from their wrecked house and that sweet little boy still with his same position, they were sleeping peacefully in their house and Zionists bombed their house and killed them all. There were 40 days baby, 1 years old boy and lots of children and families. How can you blame me to be so furious. I even dreamt that I was there; I dreamt I was with Hezbollah, I saw the rockets and I told them about some traitors who gave Zionists information about them. It's my first time to be involved emotionally with people I don't know or even met.
Sorry, I might let you down to prove I'm still sticking to my Arabic roots. I'm still have strange passion and concern to what happen to any people in my Arab and Islamic World.

UN is EN
(United Nations is actually Enslaved Nations)
There is no power for this EN and laws are always under who is much powerful. Veto shit is given only to 5 members and they not worthy to have such right. They prevent any just resolution and support what serve their interests. Not even in humanity, but even the nature and environment are not save, they don't sign on any good convention.

Tell me if I'm mistaken


Blogger Karin said...

You know Noor, I think you and all the Arab world looking al-Jazeera, see completely different images than we in the West where they are censored to "protect the sensitive soul of the distinct watcher"!
I can WELL imagine you are terribly upset and as well disappointed about the deafening silence of the entire Arab world - except Syria! Doesn't that sound familiar to you? Who stood by the side of the Palestinian population and defended them? Same scenario!

That one becomes emotional in this situation is only natural ...
Dear Noor, why do you apologize that you are "still" sticking to your Arab roots?? I HOPE YOU DO - I'd be disappointed would you have deserted them and gone astray!!

About the UN ... I'm afraid you're right - they are weak, very weak and have no chance to run against the chronic and already boring veto-NO of the United States! It doesn't matter what it is all about - the moment any kind of critics of Israel is involved - the American NO is pre-programmed! It became a joke and I want to see one person who still takes it serious! The Jewish lobby and the US-government took the UN hostage and Kofi Annan's group can't move a finger against! You're right as well with the environment ... are we talking Kyoto-protocol in connection with the US of A? LOOOONG overdue - but still not signed! I wonder if they are aware that we won't get another planet to live on one day ... but again, there is the moon and Mars ect - so they'll have a choice!
GREAT post Noor!!

7/19/2006 11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anyways, I hope all this will end soon and only for people of Lebanon and Palestine."

Why should it? If Zionists are as awful as you say, why shouldn't they continue until they have degraded the military capabilities of Hizbollah down to dust?

Which they will.

Being an Arab and a Muslim you can't possibly understand anything beyond the principle of "blowing shit up." This is a focused and relentless military campaign, and it won't end until the objective has been achieved: victory. Death to Hizbollah.

7/19/2006 4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Death to Hizbollah? Muslims only know "blowing shit up" ?? Intresting .. I guess we started to learn abit from what we are suffering from Israel ..

tell me how takes the lead in aggressions in ME? Lebenon? Hizbollah? well what I see is that Lebenon is completly deystroyed but most Israel cities (or rather occupied Palastinians land) are safe! What I see is that 2 days ago the death poll in lebenon is 200+ and on the Israeli side is 25 .. what I see that who started this heavy militry invasion is Israel .. so now dare tell me that Arabs are the ones who have this "blowing shit up" agenda!!!

I know, its not Israel's fault at all .. its ours .. because we have been asleep for long and allowing Israel to go ahead and have the playground for itself!!


7/20/2006 12:26 AM  
Blogger Karin said...

Shira -
I assume you are, contrary to Noor who is a wonderful person, a proud Arab and devout Muslim, you are Jewish and an Israeli Zionist, right?
Your bottomless arrogance makes my blood boil ... how can you dare to tell Noor:

"Being an Arab and a Muslim you can't possibly understand anything beyond the principle of "blowing shit up."

Your miserable superiotity-thinking alone does utterly discredit you in front of everyone! Who do you think you are? One of God's "chosen children"? Better than anyone else? Having more rights than anybody else? THINK AGAIN!!

You're part of a nation which is committing GENOCIDE to another by pretending to "act in self-defence"! If you're against Hizbullah - why did your army destroy the entire infrastructure of Lebanon? Rip the entire country to shreds? Does Hizbulla live inside water-tanks? Inside generators?? Displace 500.000 people?? Create more refugees? Sow death, horror and destruction - AND raise the level of hatred toward YOUR people to an unmeasurable level?
EVEN IF Hizbullah fighters had lived inside apartment houses - you have NO RIGHT to kill indiscriminitely scores of people only to find one or two!!
Being member of a people who suffered the holocaust - and I am telling you that as patriotic German - you show the ENTIRE WORLD that you didn't learn a WEE-BIT and pass what you suffered right on to others!!SHAME ON YOU!!

Actually I should be mad, enraged .. but I only feel sorry for you as ALL you are giving out now - will smack you right back in the face one day ... that's not MY idea but a simple law of nature, the one of action and RE-action!

Then I will stand on the sideline and watch ... let's see how YOU will feel then!!

7/20/2006 12:41 AM  
Blogger Muslim Unity said...

Dear brothers and sisters,

Muslims and Islam wants peace- but we are not getting it. We want to live together with everybody and be respected. We should protest against the acts of israel. You can find out more at our site.
Also sister Noor, I really liked what you wrote and would like you to be a part of our family at Muslim Unity. Please e-mail us and we can then invite you. The message is for all those who feel and believe we need to be united as one and support Islam and peace.
Inshalalh we will have peace.
Khoda hafez

7/20/2006 4:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Your bottomless arrogance makes my blood boil ..."

Have a nice day.

7/20/2006 5:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another thing: 8 Israelis were murdered by the terror gang Hizbollah in Haifa. Out of respect for the dead, we did not hold up their bodies to the cameras.

You people are despicable rabble.

7/20/2006 3:51 PM  
Blogger Karin said...

I feel sorry for you Shira ... really sorry! You're so eaten up by hatred .. it's sad.
And by the way ... you mean "rubble", right?
God bless you!

7/21/2006 5:45 AM  
Blogger Tristan Vick said...


You're still using 'Zionist' incorrectly according to it's dictionary definition. I posted the definition on the last blog you did.

Basically Zionism is a political ideology based on tribal land rights of the Jews who have been living in that region for over 3,000 years.

However, Zionism is not a 'militant' ideal. A similar mistake would be to call a Marxist a Nazi. Marxism and Nazism are entirely different political structures with different political sciences driving their agendas.

They way you are using the term 'Zionist' is negative and derogatory towards Jewish culture, thus the way you are using it is Anti-Semetic. I gave that definition too.

Zionism has nothing to do with what Israel does as a city/state or country. Instead, it only has to do with the support and supporters of the belief that the the religious politics behind how the Jews are entitle to land they owned 3,000 years ago.

I think the press, and news networks, like to put a spin on the terminilogy and so they will say 'Zionist' for anyone who supports Israel for any reason, but they are also using the word wrongly. I just wanted to clear this up, because I know how Muslims are very sensative about being accused for being something their not.

It's not fair for somebody to label all Muslims 'terrorists' and I don't think it's fair for anyone who supports the Jews to be called 'zionists' (which is just a smoke screen for people to reverse the 'terrorist' accusations by making their own).

7/22/2006 3:38 AM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

Hello everyone. Hope u r fine and happy (who I am kidding?!). I left my blog for days now, but I shocked and enjoyed these comments. Thanks Goodness, Thikra and Karin still around and take a lead.
First: Shira. Who can blame you dear. You filled up with this Zionism and can't see other road. I can understand that when a person growing up in a such racist environment teach how to hate the neighbors and how sacred killing them. I just feel sorry for you darling, sorry because you can't see further than what masters told you to see and do. You can't see that you are hating Nazis for what they did to Jews and you do the same thing for years to people of Palestine and Lebanon. You are the new face of Nazism and refuse to see that because no one will sue you (who dared to speak or try to say the truth had assassinated). You are wailing on the death of 8 or 10 or 20 mostly SOLDIERS who tried to invasion to Lebanon and that brave fighters stopped them with their simple arms. While there are families, children, women, men killed, burned or buried under their own houses, not only in south where Hezbollah exists, but in the 4 directions, in peaceful remote villages and not only Muslims, but Christians and even Jews in Lebanon. All of people who killed by the cowards who attacked from air were civilians and had no related to Hezbollah or militarism. They are now 400 or more, still increasing by that barbarian bombing from air. People in Palestine and Lebanon not enjoying take shots for their beloved ones in pieces, but by this only we can show this greedy world how their civilization falls apart and their ranting about democracy is bullsh*t. as for you, you can't compare between Palestine and Lebanon to you. People there fall everyday and we see daily pictures for what happen and there are other crimes didn't caught in tapes.
Okay, one more thing. Zionists using forbidden arms and bombs like Phosphoric bombs and cluster bombs. They used to use all forbidden arms on Palestinians and now on Lebanon people. Also, American army used the same forbidden arms on Iraqis before and now. Zionists used Palestinian children as human shields for them on Bayt Hannon in Palestine days ago (no surprising to me as they use all the dirtiest methods to achieve their dirty goals). American administration gave Zionists one more week to bomb Lebanon, and said: it's their right to "Defend themselves"!!!!
((Despicable, Rabble)), I think these 2 words that you used are more suitable for Zionists as they always proving that they are down level of humanity.

I support what dear sisters Thikra and Karin said. God Bless you both. Hope you will be here and answer when I'm away because we have same thoughts and same responses.
Khoda hafez: Thank you sister. I will see, but I'm not active that much and I'm trying to reduce my time on the net because I have some personal plans to do. Anyways, I will be happy to come and share what you have in ur blog.

Tristan, give me a break. i will answer u soon. Still, theyt are Zionists, not original Isrealis and some Jews are not Zionists as well.

7/23/2006 2:54 AM  

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