Heaven's Lights Heaven's Lights: إعجاز علمي في قيام الليل

Thursday, October 26, 2006

إعجاز علمي في قيام الليل

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

إعجاز علمي في قيام الليل (جديد)

جاء في كتاب " الوصفات المنزلية المجربة و أسرار الشفاء الطبيعية " و هو كتاب بالانجليزية لمجموعه من المؤلفين الأمريكيين – طبعة 1993 ، أن القيام من الفراش أثناء الليل و الحركة البسيطة داخل المنزل و القيام ببعض التمرينات الرياضية الخفيفة ، و تدليك الأطراف بالماء ، و التنفس بعمق له فوائد صحية عديدة
و المتأمل لهذه النصائح يجد أنها تماثل تماما حركات الوضوء و الصلاة عند قيام الليل ، و قد سبق النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كل هذه الأبحاث في الإشارة المعجزة إلى قيام الليل فقال : " عليكم بقيام الليل ، فانه دأب الصالحين قبلكم ، و قربه إلى الله عز و جل ، و منهاة عن الإثم ، و تكفير للسيئات ، و مطردة للداء من الجسد " ... أورده الألباني في صحيح الجامع برقم4079

و عن كيفية قيام الليل بطرد الداء من الجسد فقد ثبت الآتي :" يؤدي قيام الليل إلى تقليل إفراز هرمون الكورتيزول ( و هو الكورتيزون الطبيعي للجسد ) خصوصا قبل الاستيقاظ بعدة ساعات . و هو ما يتوافق زمنيا مع وقت السحر ( الثلث الأخير من الليل ) ، مما يقي من الزيادة المفاجئة في مستوي سكر الدم ، و الذي يشكل خطورة علي مرضي السكر ، و يقلل كذلك من الارتفاع المفاجئ في ضغط الدم ، و يقي من السكتة المخية و الأزمات القلبية في المرضي المعرضين لذلك ..
كذلك يقلل قيام الليل من مخاطر تخثر الدم في وريد العين الشبكي ، الذي يحدث نتيجة لبطء سريان الدم في أثناء النوم ، و زيادة لزوجة الدم بسبب قلة تناول السوائل، أو زيادة فقدانها. أو بسبب السمنة المفرطة و صعوبة التنفس مما يعوق ارتجاع الدم الوريدي من الرأس .

يؤدي قيام الليل إلى تحسن و ليونة في مرضي التهاب المفاصل المختلفة ، سواء كانت روماتيزمية أو غيرها نتيجة الحركة الخفيفة و التدليك بالماء عند الوضوء .

قيام الليل علاج ناجح لما يعرف باسم " مرض الإجهاد الزمني " لما يوفره قيام الليل من انتظام في الحركة ما بين الجهد البسيط و المتوسط، الذي ثبتت فاعليته في علاج هذا المرض.

يؤدي قيام الليل إلى تخلص الجسد من ما يسمي بالجليسيرات الثلاثية ( نوع من الدهون ) التي تتراكم في الدم خصوصا بعد تناول العشاء المحتوي علي نسبه عالية من الدهون. التي تزيد من مخاطر الإصابة بأمراض شرايين القلب التاجية بنسبة 32% في هؤلاء المرضي مقارنة بغيرهم.

يقلل قيام الليل من خطر الوفيات بجميع الأسباب ، خصوصا الناتج عن السكتة القلبية و الدماغية و بعض أنواع السرطان .

كذلك يقلل قيام الليل من مخاطر الموت المفاجئ بسبب اضطراب ضربات القلب لما يصاحبه من تنفس هواء نقي خال من ملوثات النهار و أهمها عوادم السيارات و مسببات الحساسية

قيام الليل ينشط الذاكرة و ينبه وظائف المخ الذهنية المختلفة لما فيه من قراءه و تدبر للقرآن و ذكر للأدعية و استرجاع لأذكار الصباح و المساء. فيقي من أمراض الزهايمر و خرف الشيخوخة و الاكتئاب و غيرها .
و كذلك يقلل قيام الليل من شده حدوث و التخفيف من مرض طنين الأذن لأسباب غير معروفه

((والحمد لله أن جعلنا مسلمين))

من جديد استملته عبر البريد الالكتروني منذ فترة ،، وهذا من الحقائق الكثيرة والتي لا تحصى لما أمره بنا رسول الله ،، حقائق تتوافق مع ما يحث علية العلم الحديث أو ما يتم اكتشافه ،، وكمسلمين مؤمنين نؤمن بهذا من قبل حتى اكتشاف العلماء له.
(Scientific inimitability in rising at night)

In a book called (the tried homey recipes and the secrets of natural healings) and its an English book by some Americans writers –edition 1993 said that rising at night from bed and do some movements or soft exercises,, with massaging the parts of body with water and take deep breathe has lots of benefits for human body.

Who look at these advices,, can see clearly that it's same with ablution for prayer in islam and with prayer of Qeyam Al Layel or rising prayer that prophet Mohammed incited people to do at night. He told people long before any researches about the benefits of rising to pray at early dawn,, as he said: ((you should make Qeyam Al Layel because it was the habit of believers before you,, and pious act to God,, and prohibit of sin,, and expiation of misdeeds,, and expeller of disease from human body))

Performiuning Qeyam reduces secretion of Cortisone especially before waking up which come with time before daybreak. So, that can protect body from sudden rising of sugar level in blood which make it danger on patients of diabetes,, also reduces the sudden rising of blood's pressure,, also protect from apoplexy and heart attack with people who can face this more.

Also, reduces the blood coagulation in jugular vein of eye's retinal, which happen because of slowness of blood's flow,, and increasing of blood's viscosity because of not drinking liquids ,,, or because of obesity and difficulty in breathing which restraining blood from going to head.


There are lots of benefits the article mentioned here,,, I couldn’t make up some Medical Terms,, it was hard to me to find the exact name for each term. Besides, a virus attacked my computer in last weekend and after formatting I lost all programs that helped me finding specific English words and terms.
Hope dear Arabic-speakers visitors who know about these terms help me and put them for other non-Arabic speakers.

Anyway,, all that confirm that rising at night and do movements like Qeyam Al Layel can help you ,,, mentally and physically,,, and spiritually too.
I got this by e-mail again and I was happy to read another new fact confirm prophet's advices. Even though, we believe what prophet's said and we weren’t waiting for any confirmation from scientists, but that can help who has some doubts about Islam to rethink again.

God Bless


Blogger Karin said...


10/26/2006 4:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sob7an allah!!
yesterday I got it by e-mail also :)

jazake allah kul 5air dear ;)

10/27/2006 11:54 AM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

oh, Karin, Sorry my love,, i just expected that. to be honest, i started to make a translation, but with some medical terms i stopped. I will try to complete my translation even with some mistakes.
i love u too dear. :)

Mona: how nice!! nice to exchange good information and improve our knowledge.
thank u mona for ur sweet comment.

10/27/2006 9:56 PM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

(Scientific inimitability in rising at night)

In a book called (the tried homey recipes and the secrets of natural healings) and its an English book by some Americans writers –edition 1993 said that rising at night from bed and do some movements or soft exercises,, with massaging the parts of body with water and take deep breathe has lots of benefits for human body.

Who look at these advices,, can see clearly that it's same with ablution for prayer in islam and with prayer of Qeyam Al Layel or rising prayer that prophet Mohammed incited people to do at night. He told people long before any researches about the benefits of rising to pray at early dawn,, as he said: ((you should make Qeyam Al Layel because it was the habit of believers before you,, and pious act to God,, and prohibit of sin,, and expiation of misdeeds,, and expeller of disease from human body))

Performiuning Qeyam reduces secretion of Cortisone especially before waking up which come with time before daybreak. So, that can protect body from sudden rising of sugar level in blood which make it danger on patients of diabetes,, also reduces the sudden rising of blood's pressure,, also protect from apoplexy and heart attack with people who can face this more.

Also, reduces the blood coagulation in jugular vein of eye's retinal, which happen because of slowness of blood's flow,, and increasing of blood's viscosity because of not drinking liquids ,,, or because of obesity and difficulty in breathing which restraining blood from going to head.


There are lots of benefits the article mentioned here,,, I couldn’t make up some Medical Terms,, it was hard to me to find the exact name for each term. Besides, a virus attacked my computer in last weekend and after formatting I lost all programs that helped me finding specific English words and terms.
Hope dear Arabic-speakers visitors who know about these terms help me and put them for other non-Arabic speakers.

Anyway,, all that confirm that rising at night and do movements like Qeyam Al Layel can help you ,,, mentally and physically,,, and spiritually too.
I got this by e-mail again and I was happy to read another new fact confirm prophet's advices. Even though, we believe what prophet's said and we weren’t waiting for any confirmation from scientists, but that can help who has some doubts about Islam to rethink again.
God Bless

10/29/2006 5:17 AM  
Blogger Karin said...

I firmly believe there are MANY things we here in the West can learn from the Prophet (pbuh)! We always think we are so "smart"´... and can easily be proved wrong! I HIGHLY respect these kind of treatments!
Thanks so much for sharing dear!

10/30/2006 3:46 PM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

u r welcome dear. i hope people can listen and try to understand without any haughtiness. we are still learners and need to increase our knowledge.

10/31/2006 4:09 AM  
Blogger Fætter Vims said...

So true, much of the "old wisdom" is from the time when ppl "knew" ...only later did did science find out "how"

10/31/2006 3:17 PM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

yeah,, can be "old wisdom", but it's not one,, there r more of that. sometimes, some things can be not convincing, but latey scientists proved it right.

11/02/2006 3:34 AM  
Blogger Tristan Vick said...

You don't need science or religion to tell you this. Just listen to your body.

I mean, the reason I work out at around 5 AM to 6 AM, as often as possilbe, is because the body just feels a lot better when you do it.

That said, diet has a lot to do with it. And not just what you eat, but the proper portions of healthy and nutritional food.

But I've always figured it was 'common' sense to listen to your body. I guess with so man worldly diseases and temptations... people often get so much 'interference' they can't hear their own bodies screaming 'bloddy murder'.

I think we have McDonalds to blame for a fatter world, but then again, maybe all we have to blame for unhealthy 'life styles' is only ourselves.

But if I was born fat, that's the way God would have made me, and so I would blame him for my being fat. Hahahaha. Then when I died from a heart attack after choking on a tripple super-sized chocolate milkshake and went to Heaven God would probably ask me why I didn't wake up at 6 AM and go jogging. I'd reply, "Because I was busy playing my Playstation 3."

Oooh, I wonder if there are french fries in Heaven?

11/03/2006 3:26 AM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

Oh, Tristan, good points, but remember that many of us are stubborn and we don't listen to anyone about our weight and healthy lifestyle, so how about our bodies?!!! :) but, when we learn that waking up at 4 or 5 AM and do some movements and exercises can help us be healthy and happy, we will do it for sure. If we make it as a habit from younger age, that will be much easier to continue rather than make it later. Yes, fast food is bad choice to be always the main food for us, but we can eat it as a reward for us for eating healthy foods in weekends or each month,, it's a choice that we can make.
Hahahahah,, u r so funny man :D ,, so u have Play Station 3, nice, so u can wake up and "exercise" with it :)

French fries in Heaven!! ,,lol,, don't say that McDonalds will be the first market ever get a branch in HEAVEN :D u have insane thoughts!

11/06/2006 8:23 AM  

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