Heaven's Lights Heaven's Lights: What do you say?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

What do you say?


Cat Stevens Criticizes Pope on Islam

September 24, 7:16 PM EST
The Associated Press

LONDON -- The singer formerly known as Cat Stevens, who converted to Islam and changed his name to Yusuf Islam, joined the furor over Pope Benedict XVI's recent comments about Islam by criticizing the pontiff on Sunday.

In the pope's controversial speech in Germany this month, Benedict quoted words of a Byzantine emperor that characterized some of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad as "evil and inhuman."

The singer, whose hits such as "Moon Shadow" and "Peace Train" made him a star in 1960s and 1970s, said in an interview with the British Broadcasting Corp. that the pope's words proved he was not infallible.

"At one point, I used to believe that the pope was infallible," Islam said, referring to teachings he received while attending a Catholic school as a boy.

The pontiff "should have looked elsewhere if he wanted to quote but we respect the pope and his position," he said, adding it was good Benedict had retracted his statement "in a way."

Since his conversion to Islam in 1977, the 58-year-old has become well known to Britons as a campaigner for good causes.

In 2004, after flying to the United States from London, the singer was barred from entering the country after U.S. security officials said his name
was on list of banned individuals.


شركة دنماركية تطور لعبة إلكترونية جديدة حول فلسطين

الدنمارك مجدداً....!!؟ تعتزم شركة (Serious Games Interactive) الدنماركية، طرح لعبة إلكترونية جديدة في شهر مارس القادم بعنوان (Global Conflicts: Palestine) والتي تدور أحداثها حول الصراع بين الشعب الفلسطيني والكيان الإسرائيلي. وتتيح هذه اللعبة الجديدة للمستخدم إمكانية لعب دور صحفي في الشرق الأوسط. كما تجسد كافة مظاهر العنف والفقر السائد في المنطقة برسوم ثلاثية الأبعاد.
ومن جهة أخرى تتيح للمستخدم إمكانية اختيار نمط مغامرته الخاصة، سواء كان جندياً أو إرهابياً (بحسب موقع وايرد نيوز الإخباري المتخصص). ولدى قطع المستخدم لمراحل متقدمة من هذه اللعبة، عليه أن يكون صحفياً ممتازاً يغوص في أصل المشاكل المعقدة والقضايا الساخنة والقصص الشخصية.
وقد اختار مطورو هذه اللعبة وجهة نظر الصحفي لمنح اللاعب المرونة اللازمة لإدارة الأحداث ونقل الوقائع وذلك انطلاقاً لما يعايشه مراسلو الحروب من أحداث ساخنة ويطلعون على أوجه متعددة وآراء مختلفة في منطقة الصراع.
وللمزيد من المعلومات، يمكنكم زيارة الموقع الرسمي للشركة المطورة عبر الرابط التالي:


Blogger Akram said...

I have nothing to say just wondering what next to come?

9/26/2006 4:19 PM  
Blogger Fætter Vims said...

"At one point, I used to believe that the pope was infallible,"
Hey, that's another difference, to a Protestant, that is simply absurd.

On another note, Islam/Stevens got the sweetest voice. I read somewhere that he didn't sing for many years bcos he'd bveen told that music is haram. (that is simply absurd, too) Alhamdulillah, he got wiser.

Yhe 2004 airport incident was a stupid accident : Yusuf Islam the singer was never on a banned list, it was another Yusuf Islam, and the police got them mix up. Can happen.

9/27/2006 12:58 PM  
Blogger Living Away said...

I think that "banned list" is something that couldn't ever happen!
I do believe that all human being deserves the same treatment doesn't mattering skin color, religion, race, language, culture, appearance, lifestyle, bank account and so on!
It could sound naive, but it isn't at least for me!

9/28/2006 6:38 PM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

Do u know what dear Adam. I look to that positively. Remember
وعسى أن تكرهوا شيئاً و هو خير لكم

Oh, HalalHippie. I love Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens). Nice person, calm, tender, modest, loveable and so optimistic.
I know that he studied in catholic school when he was a little boy, but I didn't knew that he learned that pope is infallible!?
He wasn't mad when USA banned him and forced him to return to UK. He was laughing and looking at that as a Joke. Besides, he became so popular to people of USA and lots of them bought his cassettes and researched about him and his life. What a great and easy advertisement :)

Leandra Dear: even though Iam aganist USA adminstration, but i think i can't blame Americans to be extra-worry...but they should be more flexible and not make it racism war. i hope they can take find another way to make friends not enemies.

9/29/2006 9:37 AM  
Blogger Tristan Vick said...

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10/03/2006 1:09 AM  
Blogger Ibrahamav said...

Cat Stevens was banned from entering the US when he publically endorsed attempting to murder Rushdie.

Americans are very leery of those who wish to kill others just because they wrote a book that bothers them.

10/06/2006 6:26 PM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

How can u expect me to believe that a man in weight of Cat Stevens will speak about that dirt rat Rushdie and threat him?!!!!! NO WAY
I never give a damn to this dirty rat and I'm sure Cat Stevens did the same. He wasn't banning to enter America in the first place, but as USA explained that the names can be alike with all of people. Cat Stevens appeared in American show and was smiling and not mad at all. He took that so easily and even his daughter studying in USA at that time.
Ibrahamav,,,Hmmm,, aren't you the same person who annoyed dear Karin. Shame on you, if you are that person. You should rise to the level of worthy people and speak politely to let other hear from you and respect your words even if it's different.

10/10/2006 10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the truth about the bizantine "empror" and in wich circomstances he said what he said:

11/10/2006 4:37 PM  

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