Friday, April 28, 2006
About Me
- Name: Noor Al-Amal
- Location: Oman
Dreamer Moderate Muslim Lady, Old enough to know How Lucky I am for being MUSLIM, and too young and tiny to God Great Creation. I wish that people will stop judging us "Muslims" and "Islam" by Individuals acts… and ignoring that they have "unpleasant" type of people too! I support Libertarian and neutral writers, but with limits. Little Advice to My Dear Visitors: "Set Your Mind Free and Discover The Truth By Yourself"
Previous Posts
- The Good Sort Of Poetry-2
- Why I am Muslim ??!!
- The Good Sort Of Poetry-1
- See and Read Others Thoughts... Various Notions!
- A Postcard To Dear America
- New Anti-Virus Program
- Interesting Book
- 1 Page, 6 Songs and My Favorite 2!
- My Pretty Woman "Hala"

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Lovely pictures :) .
thank u
i hope Adam can see them too, and other people who asked me to upload more.
WOW...I love the pictures! my top 2 are number 3 and 5.
oh, and I forgot to tell you...I just discovered your blog and I love it!! I'm starting a new period in my life where I'm trying to find the most adquate religion for me. And your own personal perspective of the Muslim world, helps understand lots of things I wasn't aware of! Congratulations and keep going!
Amazing, Noor , thanks for the lovely Picture, the first two picture on the top so cute girl and I take it as Background to my desktop, Thank you very much for scanning these pictures and shared them with us.
All children are beautiful in the eyes of God! These children are especially cute!
very cute pictures!
Masha'allah, very cute !! I felt comfrotable looking at them.
Im very happy to find a Muslim girl who is proud of her identity !! Jazaki allah khair :)
Henri: thank u, i wish u the best in ur searching journey, i just try to express my own personal view.
Adam: i'm so happy that u liked the pics, even though i have more than 1000s pics of children, but it's so hard to search and choose the more reflected pics.
Tristan: they are 'Beloved Of GOD' as we say it in Arabic 'Ahabaab Allah', but i'm so happy u liked them too .
Arvindh and Abed. Hamdan: thank u too ;)
Lovely babies!
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Safia, Thank u
so cute...
I like it too>>> Is there more ;D
Uh - brainwashing from day one!?
Anonymous-4:28 : thank u, but I can't promise u, anyway, If I did find more cute and nice pics to be part 3, I will upload it immediately .
Anonymous-2:12 : so funny, bcos I wanted to mention this before, well, I don't see it in that way, I did the same thing with my niece to make lovely and funny shot no more, no 'brainwashing' as u said, otherwise I can consider the same thing with pics of Christian children and crosses around them, Brainwashing too!!! But I don't,, actually, I have countless Pics of children regardless their origin! They are all 'Beloved Of GOD' no matter their identities, all of them r "Nature" and "Religion-Free".
Do u know what? My brother don't like this idea of making 'headscarf' on babies, but I find it kinda of sweet thing and draw smiles on faces, but maybe u got kinda of "brainwashing" to see these pics in ur dogmatist way, Are u extremist?!!!, Are u the same person who is bugging in safia Blog. Anyway, I hope u will try to understand and make reasonable dialogue not attack and spread hatred. :: Peace ::
Noor, you are the one spreading hatred and one-eyed-views!
You cant live your faith without the "them and us" thats induced in every single muslim - its pathetic and its a problem (for the world)!
Well, thank u, nice of u, at least I'm honest here and I admitted that I was far away from religious issues and there were some bigot conveners that drove me away (and I didn't praise anyone), so if that happened to me and I'm originally Muslim and live among Muslims, how about someone like u, for example, that took that stupid image about ISLAM, which away from reality and started to hate us, I don't separate 'us and them', I like all people, no matter the religion, and I criticised Muslims so hard for letting some stupid misleading groups use ISLAM for their own interests. and if u r really good watcher u will see that these groups killed muslims not only "Them", we lost many brothers and sisters by these terrorised groups. I hoped u were brave enough to show urself and be honest like the rest of people here and not hide under 'anonymous' title!
What lovely ya ukti!
Jazeki Allahu khairan
I grabbed it one,
Excellent work Noor, don't stop blogging. :)
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