Heaven's Lights Heaven's Lights: توبة و اعتبار و رؤية للنار!

Monday, August 14, 2006

توبة و اعتبار و رؤية للنار!

حدث مالك بن دينار عن نفسه و توبته فقال: بدأت حياتي ضائعاً سكيراً عاصياً أظلم الناس و آكل الحقوق و آكل الربا. و أضرب الناس و افعل المظالم ، و لا توجد معصية إلا و ارتكبتها . شديد الفجور، يتحاشاني الناس من معصيتي. وفي يوم من الأيام . اشتقت أن أتزوج و يكون عندي طفلة. فتزوجت و أنجبت طفلة أسميتها فاطمة ، أحببتها حباً شديداً ، وكلما كبرت فاطمة، زاد الإيمان في قلبي و قلت المعصية فيه ، ولربما رأتني فاطمة أمسك كأساً من الخمر فاقتربت مني فأزاحته وهي لم تكمل السنتين وكأن الله يجعلها تفعل ذلك ، وكلما كبرت فاطمة زاد الإيمان بقلبي و كلما اقتربت من الله خطوة ابتعدت شيئاً فشيئاً عن المعاصي، حتى أصبح سن فاطمة 3 سنوات ، فملا أكملت الـ 3 سنوات ماتت فاطمة. يقول: فانقلبت أسوا مما كنت و لم يكن عندي من الصبر الذي عند المؤمنين ما يقويني على البلاء، فعدت أسوا مما كنت عليه و تلاعب بي الشيطان حتى جاء يوماً فقال لي شيطاني: لتسكرن اليوم سكرة ما سكرت مثلها من قبل!!
فعزمت أن اسكر و عزمت أن اشرب الخمر وظللت طوال الليل أشرب وأشرب فرأيتني تتقاذفني الأحلام حتى رأيت تلك الرؤيا. رأيتني يوم القيامة وقد أظلمت الشمس و تحولت البحار إلى نار ، وزلزلت الأرض ،واجتمع الناس إلى يوم القيامة والناس أفواج و أفواج ، وأنا بين الناس و اسمع المنادي ينادي: فلان ابن فلان ، هلم للعرض على الجبار ، يقول: فأرى فلان هذا وقد تحول وجهه إلى سواد شديد من شدة الخوف حتى سمعت المنادي ينادي باسمي ، هلم للعرض على الجبار يقول: فاختفى البشر من حولي (هذا كله في الرؤيا) وكأن لا أحد في ارض المحشر ، ثم رأيت ثعبانا عظيماً شديداً قوياً يجري نحوي فاتحاً فمه ، فجريت أنا من شدة الخوف فوجدت رجلاً عجوزاً ضعيفاً ، فقلت: أنقذني من هذا الثعبان، فقال لي: يا بني أنا ضعيف لا استطيع ولكن اجر في هذه الناحية لعلك تنجو ، فجريت حيث أشار لي والثعبان خلفي ووجدت النار تلقاء وجهي ، فقلت: أأهرب من الثعبان لأسقط في النار، فعدت مسرعاً أجري للرجل الضعيف والثعبان يقترب ، فقلت له: بالله عليك ، أنجدني أنقذني ، فبكى رأفة بحالي و قال: أنا ضعيف كما ترى لا استطيع فعل شيء، ولكن اجر تجاه ذلك الجبل لعلك تنجو ، فجريت للجبل والثعبان سيخطفني فرأيت على الجبل أطفالاً صغاراً فسمعت الأطفال كلهم يصرخون : يا فاطمة أدركي أباك أدركي أباك ، يقول: فعلمت أنها ابنتي ، و يقول: فرحت أن لي ابنه ماتت وعمرها 3 سنوات تنجدني من ذلك الموقف فأخذتني بيدها اليمنى و دفعت الثعبان بيدها اليسرى و أنا كالميت من شدة الخوف ثم جلست في حجري كما كانت تجلس في الدنيا وقالت لي: يا أبتِ (أَلَمْ يَأْنِ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَن تَخْشَعَ قُلُوبُهُمْ لِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ) فقلت: يا بنيتي أخبريني عن هذا الثعبان؟؟!!
قالت: هذا عملك الشيء أنت كبرته و نميته حتى كاد أن يأكلك ، أما عرفت يا أبي أن الأعمال في الدنيا تعود مجسمة يوم القيامة ، فسألتها: وذلك الرجل الضعيف؟؟ قالت: ذلك العمل الصالح ، أنت أضعفته و أوهنته حتى بكى لحالك لا يستطيع أن يفعل لحالك شيئاً و لولا انك أنجبتني ولولا أني مت صغيرة ما كان هناك شيء ينفعك يقول: فاستيقظت من النوم أصرخ: قد آن يا رب...قد آن يا رب ، نعم ، أَلَمْ يَأْنِ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَن تَخْشَعَ قُلُوبُهُمْ لِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ، واغتسلت و خرجت لصلاة الفجر أريد التوبة و العودة لله ، فدخلت المسجد فإذا الإمام يقرأ نفس الآية (أَلَمْ يَأْنِ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَن تَخْشَعَ قُلُوبُهُمْ لِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ).

أتذكر سماعي لهذه القصة لأول مرة في برنامج ديني وتأثرت جداً بها ، وكما أتذكر أن الإمام كان الحسن البصري و التائب مالك بكى بحرقة لما قرأ الإمام نفس الآية و بعدها اخبرهم بقصته هذه.

Repentance and seeing HELL

Malik Ben Denaar talked about himself and his repentance. He said: I started my life as a drunker sinner and wrongful to people, taking other people's rights and deal with usury. Hurt people and do wrong. There was no sin I didn't make. I was dissolute and people avoid me for my sinful life. One day, I wished to marry and be a father for little baby girl. So, I married and I became a father to little baby girl I called her (Fatema). I loved her so much, and when she as growing my faith going stronger and up and my sinful life going down. If Fatima saw me with wine glass in my hand, she will come and put it away from me and she was only 2 years old.. looks like God taught her to do so. So, my faith to God growing in my heart as I see her growing too. Till she completed 3 years old, then she died. When she died I returned to my sinful life. I didn't have that patience as other believers to get over this affliction. So, I returned to be worse than I was before. My Satan played with me and once he came and whispered to me to drink wine and be heavy drunker like I never did that before.
I intended to drink and be drunker and I did. I spent all that night drink and drink till I felt heavy and sleepy and dreams started to come like waves. The dream or vision I saw was about the Day of Judgment. I saw the sun turned to be black and seas turned to be fires.. the earth shook and people came in crowds. Then, I heard a crier calling a name of man asking him to come and face God Almighty, I saw that man and his face turned to be so dark because of his fear. Then, the crier called my name to come and face God Almighty. All people disappeared and I was left alone in that place. Then, I saw a huge strong horrible snake coming to me with its big mouth opened. I was terrified, so I ran until I found an old weak man and I said: Please help me. He said: my son, I can't help you, I'm so weak, but run to that place , maybe you can survive. So, I ran to that place and that snake still after me, but I faced the hell and fire in that place, "I'm running from that snake to fall in the fire" I said to myself. So, I returned so fast to that old man before that snake catch me. I asked him again to help me and save me, but he cried and said: I'm weak as you can see and I can't help you, but go to that mountain and maybe you will survive this time. So, I ran to that mountain and that huge snake still after me, there I saw lots of young children and I heard them cries: O Fatema.. help your father.. help your father!. I realized that was my daughter Fatema and I was happy that I had a little daughter died in early age will save me here. She came, held my hand with her right hand, and pushed that snake with her left hand. Then, she sat in my lap as she always did on this earth and said: Father, (Is not the time ripe for the hearts of those who believe to submit to Allah's reminder).
I said: tell me, my daughter, what was that huge and horrible snake??
She said: that was your bad deeds as you grew it and built it up till it was almost eat you, did you know that all our deeds will be embody in the Day Of Judgment.
Then, I asked: and how was that old man??. She said: that was your good deeds, you made it weaker and helpless, so it couldn’t help you here and just cried for you. If you didn't beget me and if I didn't die in early age, nothing can help you here.

Then, I wake up crying: it's the time my God…it's the time. Yes, Is not the time ripe for the hearts of those who believe to submit to Allah's reminder. I washed myself and went to the dawn prayer in the mosque intend to turn to God in repentance and return to the straight path. The imam recited the same Verse to us: (Is not the time ripe for the hearts of those who believe to submit to Allah's reminder) 57:16

I heard this story first in a program and touched me so much. The imam there was Al Hassan Al Basri and the repentant man Malik Cried when the imam recited the same verse and then he told them his story.


Blogger Abed. Hamdan said...

Jazaki allah Khair dear sister,

It seems I've missed many gr8 posts here! Damn Exams ! :S

I heared this story about Malik ibn dinar at a previous Jom3a prayer, It's really touching to see how people can change their lives from an extreme to the other extreme, It depicts the marvelous structure of the human being, and how there's always a good person inside everyone :)

8/14/2006 6:25 PM  
Blogger Karin said...

A beautiful story which gives me to think ...
Very impressive! I echo Abed with the marvellous structure of the human being ...
Thanks so much Noor .. GREAT POST!!

8/15/2006 1:30 AM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

Abed. Thank you dear brother. Hope u did fine in ur exams. :)
Yes. U r right. each one of us has that seeds of good and tendency to the clean, right life. Sometimes, we get lost and think life is dark and bad to us, while we can make it fulls of lights. We can lead our life as we want. We can control and decide what we want and how we should deal with obstacles.

Karin: I love to read the stories. The real stories of other people to think of its lessons and forethought in what we should do and how God can plan something good for us while we consider it as bad thing.

8/17/2006 12:33 PM  
Blogger Colpani said...



Véio Rosa BrotherHood

Heresy and subversion

(with translation for english, spanish, japanese, chinese, greek, arabian and others)

made in Brasil

8/22/2006 6:33 AM  

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