Heaven's Lights Heaven's Lights: ((ألقى به ربي))

Friday, May 05, 2006

((ألقى به ربي))

((ألقى به ربي))

لما رجع عمر رضي الله عنه من الشام إلى المدينة ، انفرد عن الناس ، ليتعرف أخبار رعيته ، فمر بعجوز في خبائها فقصدها فقالت: يا هذا ما فعل عمر؟ قال: قد أقبل من الشام سالماً ، فقالت: لا جزاه الله عني خيراً ، قال: و لم؟ قالت: لأنه والله ما نالني من عطائه منذ ولي أمر المؤمنين دينار ولا درهم ، فقال: وما يدري عمر بحالك وأنت في هذا الموضع؟ فقالت: سبحان الله ، والله ما ظننت أن أحداً يلي على الناس ولا يدري ما بين مشرقها و مغربها ، فبكى عمر رضي الله عنه وقال: واعمراه ، كل أحد أفقه منك حتى العجائز يا عمر ، ثم قال لها: يا أمة الله ، بكم تبيعينني ظلامتك من عمر؟ فإني أرحمه من النار ، فقالت: لا تهزأ بنا يرحمك الله ، فقال: لست بهزاء ، فلم يزل بها حتى اشترى منها ظلامتها بخمسة و عشرين ديناراً ، فبينما هو كذلك إذا أقبل علي بن أبي طالب و ابن مسعود رضي الله عنهما فقالا: السلام عليك يا أمير المؤمنين ، فوضعت العجوز يدها على رأسها و قالت: واسوأتاه ، شتمت أمير المؤمنين في وجهه ، فقال لها عمر رضي الله عنه: لا بأس عليك رحمك الله ، ثم طلب رقعة يكتب فيها فلم يجد فقطع قطعة من مرقعته وكتب فيها: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ، هذا ما اشترى عمر من فلانة ظلامتها ، منذ ولي إلى يوم كذا و كذا بخمسة و عشرين ديناراً ، فما تدعي عند وقوفها في المحشر بين يدي الله تعالى ، فعمر منه بريء ، شهد على ذلك علي بن أبي طالب وابن مسعود ، ثم دفع الكتاب إلى ولده وقال: إذا أنا مت ، فاجعله في كفني ، ألقى به ربي.

((Meet my GOD with it…))
It's a story about one of the Commander of believers -Amir Al Moamneen called "Omar Bin Al Katab" . when he returned from Al Shaam to Al Madeena, he went alone to see his people by himself. He passed near an old woman and she said to him: Hey, man, What Omar did? . he replied: he returned from Al Saam safely. Then she said: May God NOT reward him with good. He said: Why???, she replied: because since he took ruling of people, I didn't get any thing from him, no Dinar nor Dirham. He said: but how can he know anything about you and you are here?!!. She replied: Glory of GOD, I never knew that someone would take ruling of people and know nothing about the people of east and west!!. Omar cried and said: Oh Omar. All people are more knowing than you even old ladies. Then he said to her: O' servant of GOD, would you sell me your complaint on Omar? I feel sorry for him to be in Hell. She replied: are you mocking me?!!!. He said: No, I'm not mocking. And he didn't leave her till agreed to buy her complaint with 25 Dinars. And while he was still there, Ali Bin Abi Taleb and Ibn Masood came there and greeted Omar with his title 'Amir Al Moamneen', and that old lady was listening with shock. She put her hand on her head and said: Oh My God, I cursed 'Amir Al Moamneen' in front of him!. He replied: it's OK, God Bless you. Then, he asked for any cloth or paper to write on, but there was nothing, so he took part of his clothes and wrote on it "By The Name Of God, this is what Omar bought from this lady, her complaint, since he started his ruling till this day …, with 25 Dinars, so I'm free and sinless from anything she will claim on the present of God in The Day Of Judgement and the witnesses are Ali Bin Abi Taleb and Ibn Masood",
Then he gave that document to his son and said: if I died, put this document inside my Coffin to Meet my GOD with it…

I found this story in a newspaper, and I translated it to English because I liked it, and I want you to see deeply: how Omar with his power and authority talked with this woman?, how she made him cry?, how he tried to satisfy that helpless woman and try to purchase not only her complaint, but her satisfaction as well?, How he was so watchful to prepare himself for the Day Of Judgment and was so careful to make good deeds and leave nothing but the good things.


How about us, all of us, 'and no matter the religion', are we careful that much with our daily dealing with people, are we really care about the poor and unnoticeable people? Are we seeking people's satisfaction or at least Are we careful enough to not hurt anyone?
On the other hand, is there any leader in this time really care about his people, the weakest and helpless? It's hard to say? But maybe there are some, but not so many.
What do you think??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like your blog. I do feel that no matter what your religion is it should not make a difference. We all are children of God.

5/05/2006 8:48 PM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

Thank u, i really want people to see with pure hearts and minds how can we share good things, and by that we can lead this world and life to better future.

5/06/2006 6:38 AM  
Blogger Tristan Vick said...

I think this is an interesting story because it is similar to one of the parables of Jesus Christ.

Omar's story of selflessness and sacrifice is similar to the story of Christ. In Christianity we believe that Jesus sacrificed himself in a similar way to help pay for all of humanities sins. That he placed the burden on himself. That Jesus loved everyone that much! That Jesus love me, you, and everyone so much to die for us in a selfless manner and pay for our sins... is a very powerful story.

I think many culture's have this story of sacrifice and forgiveness which helps us understand that a pure heart is always willing to do God's will out of LOVE first and always. That love and forgiveness are appreciate by God more than anything else we could do... that by loving each other, no matter how different we are, we honor and worship God the way he wants us to love him. We share and partake in God's love. This is the best gift we can give to each other, and to God, all our love.

5/06/2006 5:22 PM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

Tristan: well saying brother. i can't add anything more, but we r really need to see the whole sides, not one side to judge. we have devoted men and women with HONESTY and LOVE did wonderful things for the sake of GOD, but nowadays we just see the bad and false image of men and women who are away from GOD's way.

5/07/2006 2:44 PM  
Blogger Fætter Vims said...

tristan: "Jesus died for our sins"
I was taught just that as a child .....now, you can make sense of that, I can't.
That's exactly what makes it impossible for me to call myself a Christian. How do _you_ make sense of it ?
So Jesus sacrificed His "person" for His "soul" - the higher Self. How does that make _my_ journey easier ? I have to overcome my ego on my own. How can His example save me ?

Sorry Noor to take this into your blog. But Tristan knows something I don't .....

5/07/2006 5:02 PM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

Halalhippie: u r welcome and I really love this kind of discussion that could help all of us to understand some issues and topics that we can't accept it, and I did talk with Tristan and others about this and I still not convinced with that, after all Jesus was saved by GOD and didn't died on the cross. Even if we assumed that he died on the cross, how can we imagine he sacrificed himself for human's sins??? This can be use as a justification to commit all the horrible things. RIGHT!!??

5/08/2006 11:48 AM  
Blogger Tristan Vick said...

I hate to be the barer of bad news, or is it good news? But Jesus did die on the cross.

There are testamonies in the Bible, but not only that, there are the Roman documentations marking the names and dates of the death, and there are Pegan mauscripts also. I talk more about this on my Blog.

I don't want to hijack Noor's insightful blog away from her, so if you want to know what I know please feel free to drop by my blog sometime.

Sorry for the inconvenience Noor, and thanks for all of your patience.

5/08/2006 5:18 PM  

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