Heaven's Lights Heaven's Lights: (أوهن من بيت العنكبوت)

Monday, August 21, 2006

(أوهن من بيت العنكبوت)

هي من الآيات التي حيرتني بحق. كنت في البداية أعتقد أنه المقصود هنا بيت أو شبك العنكبوت و انه هو الضعيف أو الواهن. لكن مع الإثبات أن شبك العنكبوت من أقوى الشباك و الخيوط . زادت حيرتي ، فمع يقيني و إيماني بالقران و الآيات و المذكور به بلا نقاش و انه أمر مسلم به .لكني كانسان أسعى للمعرفة والتيقن. ظللت لا اعرف ما القصد هنا إلى أن وجدت مقال بهذا الشأن و قد كتبته لكم لأشارككم ما وجدت ، و ما أزاح حيرتي و زاد به يقيني.

(قال الله تعالى: "مَثَلُ الَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ أَوْلِيَاء كَمَثَلِ الْعَنكَبُوتِ اتَّخَذَتْ بَيْتًا وَإِنَّ أَوْهَنَ الْبُيُوتِ لَبَيْتُ الْعَنكَبُوتِ لَوْ كَانُوا يَعْلَمُونَ"

هذه الآية أثارت فضول أحد العلماء فقام بإجراء دراسة على خيوط العنكبوت فوجد أن خيوطه أقوى من الفولاذ لو كان بحجمه ، فما سبب الوهن إذاً؟؟!!

قام نفس العالم بدراسة طبيعة البيت العنكبوتي من الداخل فوجد أن الذكر بعد أن يقوم بتلقيح الأنثى تقوم الأنثى بافتراسه و تتغذى على لحمة طيلة فترة الحضانة للبيض و بعد أن يفقس البيض تتغذى اليرقات على أضعفها ثم بعد أن يقوى و يشتد عود ما تبقى من الصغار تقوم بأكل أمها لأنها أصبحت أضعف الموجود. ثم يلقح الذكر الأنثى ثم تقوم بأكله و هكذا دواليك.
ومن هنا استنتج أن الضعف في بيت العنكبوت سببه ضعف الترابط الأسري بين أعضائه.

وفي دراسة أخرى أجريت لمعرفة قوة الترابط الأسري بين البشر كانت النتيجة مذهلة:
لا يوجد ترابط أسري إلا بين الأسر العربية و المسلمة فبمجرد أن يكبر الولد أو البنت في الغرب يعتمد على نفسه و قد لا يرى والدية إلا في المناسبات.

أيضا القرابة أو الفصيلة أو العشيرة غير موجودة إلا عند العرب والمسلمين. فالمسلم يبقى باراً بوالديه حتى وفاتهما و يزور عمه و عمته و خالة و خالته و جميع أقاربه و يحل مشاكلهم و يساعدهم ، و ليس هذا فحسب بل انه يساعد جميع المسلمين لان المؤمن أخو المؤمن ، و المسلمون جميعاً أسرة واحدة و هذا غير موجود في الأمم السابقة و هذا كله انطلاقاً من قوله علية الصلاة و السلام: المؤمن للمؤمن كالبنيان يشد بعضة بعضاً )


(frailest of all houses is the spider's house)

This verse of Koran confused me. We believe what Koran says without any questions, but as humans, we love to know and be sure in what we believe. So, I was confused when I knew that spider's house and strings are the as strong as steel!!! So, where us the weakness here. We all thought that God meant the house literally, the strings and the material. I found an article that guide me right in what God meant here and what's really "house" is stands for:

"The likeness of those who choose other patrons than Allah is as the likeness of the spider when she taketh unto herself a house, and the frailest of all houses is the spider's house, if they but knew"- 29:41

This particular verse moved the curiosity of one scholars and for that he made a study about spider's strings, so he found that spider's string is as strong as steel. So where is the weakness here?!!

So, the same scholar, made another study and this time on the house from inside, the family members of the spider's house. He found that after the pollination between the male and female, the female kill the male and eat his meat. She lives on his meat during the period of hatching. When the eggs hatching and babies came out, the strongest eat the weakest. After a while, when the strongest grow bigger, they eat their mother as she became the weakest in the house. Again, the circle repeat when the male pollinate the female and she kill him…and so on.

From here, we know now the weakness in the spider's house, the weakness is in the relationship between the family members of the spider's house.

It's wonderful comparison for whom chose supporters of humans and not God that they will not help him and more than that they will hurt him and be like spider's family members.

In another study about the relationship in human families, they found that Arab and Muslim families have strong relationship and strong connection between the family's members.


Blogger FreeCyprus said...

Noor...thank you kindly for visiting and posting your thoughts.

Please know that most of us non-Muslims do not judge Islam based on the acts of the radicals. I am glad you do not judge Westerners and have an open mind.

Take care

8/21/2006 1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An example of that strong bond in Muslim families?

Son of Al Qaeda: "Two or three times, I'm not sure, but two times, I'm sure now, my father himself tried to get me to become a suicide bomber.

8/21/2006 8:27 PM  
Blogger Karin said...

Very nice post Noor - thanks so much! Yes - I know the family bonds in Arab families are VERY strong .. and I envy you for that as here in the West, it is much less.
I like this comparison and read it in the Qur'an myself! Thanks for explaining - it had confused me as well.
Beautiful picture!!

A word to anonymous ... see, this is exactly what Noor, smart and openminded as she is does NOT do: judge everybody from one example! You fell in this trap, I am sorry! Everywhere, in every country there are some extremists, in some more and in some less, we all know that - but how can you judge a whole people this way?
A really WELL-MEANT suggestion: try to get to know an Arab family ... or more than one - and then judge again! You will find out all by yourself how wrong you were!

8/22/2006 12:43 AM  
Blogger Colpani said...



Véio Rosa BrotherHood

Heresy and subversion

(with translation for english, spanish, japanese, chinese, greek, arabian and others)

made in Brasil

8/22/2006 6:32 AM  
Blogger Living Away said...

Thank you so much for stopping by and also thank you for your lovely words!
Unfortunately this is the first time I came here, but I’ll come back very often!
Once again thanks!

8/22/2006 12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asalam 3alaykom,
great post noor...so meaningful..
thanks so much for sharing that.

8/22/2006 2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Munich lover,
Please trust that I already do know many Arab and Muslim families.

As for the part about Noor having an open mind and not judging, I seem to recall reading some posts about there being NO sanctification for marriage in the "West".

But anyway, here is another example of the tight family bond in some Muslim and Arab families.

"...a handicapped 18-year-old girl, who had already served six months in jail (!) for becoming pregnant out of wedlock, was killed by her 17-year-old brother. A neighbour was quoted as saying the family "seemed relaxed, happy and satisfied after announcing the news that she was killed ..."

Just do a Google search and you can find many many many more examples such as these. Now trust me that I know that these cases may be the minority when you consider what percentage of the Arab or Muslim population that they represent but it is too widespread for my liking and the people that commit these crimes would most likely be considered devout believers in God. Very much unlike those sinners in the West that live with the person that they have a child with without the sanctification of marriage!

8/23/2006 4:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, What you said is true but that is not just limited in the Muslim community. My neighbor had his niece mudered by her brother in Oklahoma. They are Christians. I guess all I am trying to say, no one religion or culture has excluisve rights to things like that happening.

Noor, I can only echo what freecyprus has said.

8/23/2006 10:25 AM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

FreeCyprus: thank you dear. That's what make me keep going to show you how it's clear the teachings of Islam and how we can find different kinds of people here and there. We shouldn't judge on people on what the religion they are follow. How can we consider all Christians are criminals if we compare them to Hitler and others or all Jews are criminals and killers if we look at Zionists in Palestine and Lebanon. How can we consider all Muslims as Bin Laden or Al Zarqawi and they killed Muslims as well. What really happen now is magnifying what misguided Muslims do and ignoring what non-Muslims do. That what make any act under spotlights, if and only if a Muslim done it.
As I told you there dear. The situation in Iraq is so horrible and I can confirm that through my friend's letters. She can barely send her letters to me through her neighbor. She and her family with many of Iraqi people suffer a lot and she can't go outside the house anymore. So, if it's so difficult situation for them in their own lands, how it will be for strangers!!

Anonymous: welcome and thank you for putting your own thought. Nice to find a different opinion. As I said before dear. You can't consider all of us as Al-Qaeda or other misleading groups. You have this mixed up common picture of Muslims making suicide bombs. There are different types of these and different reasons and causes behind each one. Where we did see this types, in Palestine "occupied country", Iraq "occupied country", with many of "occupied countries", even I saw once in Sri Lanka with non-Muslims. Sometimes, we can understand why they did that, sometimes, we can't get it right with big WHY on our heads.
But, generally, I see here big bonds in families. One of my friends married to a man with good job and can take separated house for them, but he prefers to stay like his big brother in the family house. They live together happily with big family and my friend liked this family. She said it's so amazing how we can live harmony and love each other and care of each other. She named her daughter after her mother-in-law.
I wish if you can meet a real Muslim and visit him or her to see we are not different from you. Yes, I won't say we are perfect and we never done a mistake. We made and still make mistakes, but as long as our faith, consciences and living hearts still working, we are fine and doing great.
Thank you and take care

Karin: thank you dear. I just love to know more and spread the truth that what I found.
Oh, you said what I wrote to anonymous, we have the same mind and suggestions. GREAT!!! Thank you Dear :)

Irmão Colpani: Thank you, for visiting and for putting your blog, I visited and take a quick glimpse to contains, but I need to visit it again and try to read it in English first.

LivingAway: Hi and welcome anytime dear sister.

The caller: Hi dear and thanks.

Anonymous: you only take part of us and I said we are not perfect. People here care too much about dignity and honor. I can understand that, but I'm not agree in killing issue. Thanks god we don't have these types here in Gulf Area. Well, at least, as I know, I never met such case. So, you should know we have different cultures and even in west and non-Muslims don't support such behavior. And when I talked about that, I was just confuse and wanted to know about it. The nice people helped me to see and understand the life and how it changed. Please, take it easy and see how many types of people you met regardless the cultures and religions with their same human nature.

Thank you so much dear Chet for ur insightful comment. That's can help dear anonymous to understand and rethink again.

8/24/2006 10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, so you base your knowledge of on google news? Me respecting my grandmother and visiting her frequently will not make it to headlines yet when someone kills, destroyes and terrorise it makes a lounder sound.


8/25/2006 12:07 AM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

welcome Thikra. thank you. i just hope he or she can rethink about it again without fanaticism.

8/26/2006 5:51 AM  

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