Heaven's Lights Heaven's Lights: ولكن بــــالحلال!!

Friday, February 16, 2007

ولكن بــــالحلال!!

ولكن بــــالحلال!!

كان من بين الذين يحضرون الصلاة مع النبي صلى الله علية و سلم رجل اشتهر بسرقة المال ، و الاعتداء على الأنفس والأعراض ، و في ذات يوم سمع الرسول صلوات الله عليه يقول: من ترك شيئا في الحرام ناله في الحلال، فصادف ذلك القول من نفسه موضع القلب ،،، واعتزم أمراً ، فلما أقبل الليل بسمائه القاتمة ، تسلل كما تعود ،في غفلة من الناس ، إلى بيت امرأة مؤمنة ، مات عنها زوجها و تعيش وحدها ، وأخذ يحوس خلال غرفات الدار ، فرأى في واحدة منها طعاماً مجهزاً ، ولما همَّ أن يتناوله تذكر قول الرسول : من ترك شيئا في الحرام ناله في الحلال ، فامتنع عنه وهو يشتهيه ، ورأى في غرفة أخرى كيساً من الذهب النُّضار ، فلما هم بأخذه تذكر قول الرسول كذلك ، فتركه ، ورأى في مكان أخر امرأة ذات جمال وفتنه مستغرقة في نوم عميق ، فوسوس إليه الشيطان بقربها ، ولكنه تذكر قول الرسول أيضاً ، فخرج من البيت دون أن يصيب شيئاً ، ثم ذهب ليؤدي صلاة الفجر في مسجد الرسول كعادته ، وبعد الصلاة انزوى في أحد أركان المسجد مفكراً فيما كان منه ، وفي تلك اللحظة ، أتت المرأة لتقص على النبي قصة هذا السارق الذي لم يخنها ، وهي تعجب من ذلك ، فابتسم الرسول صلوات الله علية وقال لها: أوحيدة أنت تعيشين؟ قالت: نعم ، لقد مات زوجي ، فأشار الرسول إلى الرجل القابع في الركن وقال له: أمتزوج أنت؟ قال: لا ، ماتت زوجتي منذ حين. فقال له: وهذه المرأة مات عنها زوجها فهل لكما أن تتزوجا؟ فلم يجيبا حياءً ، فزوجهما الرسول ، وهنا بكى الرجل و قص على الرسول قصته ، وأيدته المرأة فيما قال.
وما تنفس الصبح حتى عادا إلى بيتهما زوجين ، وتناول الرجل من نفس الطعام الذي تركه و تملك الذهب و تمتع بالمرأة ، ولكن بالحلال!

قصة جميلة جداً وقد نقلتها من أحد الجرائد ، أعرفها منذ كنت صغيرة لأنه كان بمنزلنا كتب كثيرة منها كتاب قصص إسلامية وبها هذه القصة الجميلة،،، مع فارق بسيط في الرواية،، حيث انه بالكتاب قالوا أن المرأة لم تشعر بالسارق بل أنها ذهبت للرسول بعد صلاة الفجر لتقول له أن زوجها مات وهي وحيدة و تريد أن تتزوج ،،،،، إلى نهاية القصة.
عموماً أجد بالقصة عدة دلالات ،،،منها أنه أيام الرسول كان يوجد بعض الناس الذين يتخذوا طرق غير مشروعة للحياة ولكن التعامل معهم لم يكن فظاً، فالرسول كان حليم مع الناس ومن يتوب ويرجع إلى ربه بقلب صادق صافي مثل ما حدث مع الرجل فسوف يجد كل خير بإذنه تعالى. المهم معاملة الناس بالحسنى وتوسم كل خير فيهم وعدم التعامل معهم بجفاء وغلظة.

Only by legal way "Halal"!

One of the people who always attending the prayers with Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was a man famous by his robbery and attacking on people. One day, he heard prophet said: "who left something that illegal to him, he will get it by legal way",,, that words affected him and fell into his heart. So, he decided something!. At that night, he sneaked -as usual- into houses when all people are sleeping ,,, he went this time to a house of a Muslim lady,,, lost her husband and she is living alone. He started to check all rooms of that house,, in one he found well-prepared food, but when he was about to eat it, he remembered the prophet's words "who left something that illegal to him, he will get it by legal way", so he didn't eat from that food even though he was hungry. In other room, he found a sack of gold, so when he was about to take it for himself, he remembered again the same words of prophet. So, he left it!
In other place, he saw so beautiful and gorgeous lady sleeping deeply, the Satan whispered to him to go to her side, but he just remembered the words of prophet,, and then he left that house without taking nor touching anything not belong to him.
He went to the Mosque of prophet for Dawn prayer. After the prayer, he sat alone in a corner of the mosque thinking of what he done!
At that moment, the lady of that house came in and told prophet Mohammed the story of the thief that came to her house and left without taking or touching anything. She was amazed by his weird act!
The prophet smiled and said to her: do you live alone?! She replied: Yes, my husband died.
The prophet addressed a question to that man who were sitting alone and said: are you married?!, the man replied: No, my wife died recently!. So, the prophet said: this woman lost he husband too, how about you both get married?!
The woman and man remained silent coyly! So, prophet arranged this marriage and announced them as man and wife.
In that point, the man couldn't help it and started to cry. So, he told prophet the whole story!
So, when the morning came,,, the both man and his wife went to their new house. The man ate from that food,,, took from that sack of gold and get that gorgeous woman,, but all by legal way "Al Halal"!

I love this story and I know it since I was a child. I copied it now from a newspaper, but I read it long time ago in a story book,,, there were so many interesting books in our house and that storybook was among them. There is one thing not similar to what I found in the newspaper. I remember in that storybook,,, they said that the woman came after dawn prayer to prophet to tell him that her husband died and she is alone in the house and she wants to get married. So, maybe, she didn't know about the thief and his breaking through to her house. Anyway, still, the story is very good and has different lessons and not only one. In my opinion, we can see that even in prophet's time there were some people who were living in bad ways, but prophet wasn't hard on them; he was totally patient and not that irritable person. They have to have a chance to think by their hearts and minds and maybe repent and be closer to God. Good treatment is the key to help people who need help to see the beauty of living with that peace of mind and body.


Blogger Akram said...

one word really good story to remember from time to time.
Thanks Noor for sharing with us

2/16/2007 9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

allahuma salli wa salim wa barek 3ala sayedena mohammed :)

nice story Dear, may god bless you (F)

2/17/2007 1:39 AM  
Blogger The Mo said...

Nice story, but I doubt its authenticity?

2/17/2007 9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are tagged my dear ;)

check my blog

2/19/2007 2:06 AM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

adam, thank u dear brother. i only choose what i think it's good to share with everyone.

mona, :) God Bless u too sweetheart.

the mo, i believe it can be true! why do you think it can be doubtable?! Any sign in the story make you suspicious?! It's a true, becoz I found it in different sources and with same narration and words,,, except the lady's words to Prophet. Even if we assumed it's untrue story and fabricated,,, still good one and has good lessons unlike many ugly and made-up stories that have no meanings or even good lessons!

oh, mona,, okay! i will see and try to do it. thank u darling.

2/20/2007 2:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noor : Your wonderful story reminds me of a scene in the Da Vinci Code movie where the lead female character approached a drug addict and made him quit cold-turkey just by giving him 'the look'! Maybe Dan Brown was inspired by the same story....who knows? :) I guess when you are in the presense of greatness, you tend to rethink about the way you live your life....are you heading towards the right path, as you should be. Temptations are all around us, it's up to the individual if he/she wants to succumb to it.

There's this other story about Prophet Mohammed (pbuh). There's this house where the Prophet always passes in his daily route. The owner of the house hated him so much he would throw indecent things at him. But the Prophet never said anything bad to him. He remained patient day-after-day until one day the house owner gave up and stopped throwing stuff at the Prophet. This proves that patience really is a virtue. (Not as good as your stories Noor but I just thought to give it a try :) )

Take Care!

2/23/2007 3:58 AM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

oh, Salam dear Cal, i didn't watch Da Vinci Code and i don't think i will!
but i really like to read such stories with valuable lessons to get.
oh, ur story is really good becos i read once about that. i think that was the Jewish who used to throw dirt and nasty things in front of prophet's door and daily prophet came out and clean that dirt and says nothing to that man. till one day, prophet didn't find any dirt and for days there was nothing and then he himself went to check that man and see what happened to him. the man was sick and he was stunned to find prophet asking about him and came to visit him too. he cried and apologised to prophet for his rude act. prophet said he isn't mad at him. that man became muslim as i remember.
lovely story to teach us to be patient and soft with others.
Thank u Cal and God Bless u .

2/23/2007 4:48 AM  

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