Sadaam's Poem
صدام ينظم قصيدة من سجنه تنشرها «الشرق الأوسط»
عمان: سامي محاسنه لندن: «الشرق الأوسط»
يبدو أن الرئيس العراقي الراحل وجد في السجن فسحة لمواصلة عطائه الأدبي خاصة الشعري. ومن أحدث نتاجات صدام «خلف القضبان» قصيدة وزعتها هيئة الدفاع عنه في عمان أول من أمس، يتحدى فيها سجانيه الأميركيين. ويحذر صدام في قصيدته من الغرب ونواياه، ويؤكد فيها «صموده» أمام أعدائه ويحيي «المقاومة». وفي ما يلي نص القصيدة:
قًلبِيِ مَعَيِ لَمَ يَنفِه أعَدائِي --- وُالقيَدِ لمَ يَمْنعَ سَمْاع دُعَائِيَ
مَا كُنْتَ أَرَجُو أنَ أكَوُن مُداَهِناً --- بْعَض القَطيِع وُسَادْةَ السُفَهاءِ
مْنَ قَال أنَ الَغْرب يَأتيِ قَاصِداً --- أرْضَ العُروُبَة خَالص السَراءِ؟
مْنَ قال أنَ الَمَاءِ يُسَكْر عَاقِلاً --- وُالَعِلجُ يَحَفْظُ عَوُرَة الَعْذرَاءُِ؟
مْنَ قال أنَ الَظُلمَ يَرْفعُ هَامَةً --- وُيَجُر فَي الأصَفادِ كُل فِدَائيِ؟
مْنَ كَبَلَ اللَيَثُ يَكوُن مُسَيداً --- حَتىَ وإنِ عُدَ مْنِ اللُقطَاءِ
إنِيِ أُحَذِركُم ضَياَعَ حَضَارةٍ --- وُكَراَمةٍ وخَديِعْة العُمَلاءِ
هْذَا إبِائَيِ صَامدِ لَن يَنَحنِي --- وُيَسِرِي فَي جِسَمي دَم الَعُظَمَاءِ
أَعُــراَقٌ إِنَكِ فَيِ الَفُؤَادُ مُتوَجِ --- وعَلىَ الَلِسَانُ قَصَيدَة الَشُعَراءِ
أَعُــراَقٌ هّزَ الَبْأس سْيفَك فَاسَتَقِم --- وأِجَمعَ صَفُوفُكِ دُوَنَما شّحناءِ
بَلغَ سَلاّمِي للطَفُوَلة بُعَثِرَت --- أَلعَابُها بَيَن الَرُكِامِ بَتُهَمِة الَبَغَضَاءُ
بَلغَ سَلامِي للَحَرِائِرِ مُزقَتَ --- أسَتارُهَا فْي غَفَلةِ الَرُقَبِاءِ
بَلغَ سَلامِي للَمُقاَوَمِ يَرَتَدِي --- ثَوُبَ الَمَنُوَنِ وحَلَةَ الَشُهَدَاَءِ
بَلغَ سَلاَمِي للشَهيِدَيَنِ وَقَل --- فَخَرَيِ بَكُمَ فَيِ النَاَسِ كَالَخَنَساءِ
أَرَضُ الَعِـَـرَاقُ عَزيَزِةٌ لاَ تَنَحَنِيِ --- والنَاَرَ تَحَرُقَ هجَمَة الَغُرَباَءِ
يَحَيَىَ العَـَـرَاقُ بَكلَ شَبرَ صَامَدَا --- يَحيَا العَــرَاقُ بنَخوَة الشَُرفَاءِ
وصلتني هذه عبر الايميل أيضاً. لا أدري مدى مصداقيتها بصراحة، لكني أحببت القصيدة، جيدة جداً حتى و إن لم تكن بيد محترف لكنها جميلة. ولقد زدت من التشكيل في القصيدة لأني أحب التشكيل بالقصائد، يعطيها حس و مذاق أجمل و تفرد رائع في لغتنا العربية. غريب أن أتلقى معلومات عن صدام في وقت متزامن، أولاً موضوع المعلومات والآن موضوع القصيدة. أتمنى أن أجد منكم إفادة.
Again,, I got poem via e-mail. They said that Sadaam wrote this one when he was in Jail. His lawyers distributed it in Amman and the Middle East Newspaper published it.
I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I liked it! It's a good piece indeed! Well written!!
Hope if you know more about this or if you have any correction.
I tried to translate this poem, but I have problem in translation especially with poems,,, Arabic poems are unique with its language. Sometimes there are words or expressions that I don't use and sometimes I don't know how I can translate it. I did my best,, just to let you see and read what they called (Sadaam's poem).
My heart is with me,, my enemy didn't exile it --- and the fetter couldn’t prevent my invocation.
I'm not seeking to be flatterer --- to the flock and leaders of fools.
Who said that the west comes toward --- the land of Arabism with pure intentions.
Who said that the water makes a person drunk --- and the unbeliever saves the virginity of virgin.
Who said that the unjust makes someone proud --- and drags in the shackles heroes.
Who chained the lion considered as a hero --- even if he is one of the foundlings.
I'm warning you of losing a civilization --- and dignity and the deceiving of the traitors.
This is my pride didn't bow --- and the blood of powerful people flow into my body.
O Iraq you are crowned on the heart – and poets' poem on the tongue.
O Iraq the prejudice shook your sword,, so sit straight --- and gather your rows without enmity.
Send my salute to the childhood --- which destroyed its toys by the charge of hatred.
Send my salute to the free women --- who their coverings have been torn apart in the carelessness of the observers.
Send my salute to the resistant --- wearing clothes of death and the gown of martyrs.
Send my salute to the 2 martyrs --- and say: my pride of you among people like the proud of *Khansa*.
The land of Iraq is so dear and will not bend --- and the fire is burning the attack of the strangers.
Long live for Iraq (in each span) with steadfastness --- long live for Iraq with the chivalry of noblemen.
*Khansa*: Khansa was a famous lady in Arab history. She was so great and famous poet before Islam. She poetized remarkable poems for her beloved brother Sakher when he died. She was distressed by the death of her brother. However, she embraced Islam and she was great Muslim. One day, when she knew that her 4 sons killed in the battlefield, but they were so brave and real fighters,, she accepted that and she was real patient. She sacrificed them for God's reward and considered them as martyrs and prayed to meet them in Heaven.
I got sth abt Sadam via e-mail too..
i'll look for it for you ;)
Good work, Noor. Arabic poetry is difficult to translate, some of the beauty of it is coming through.
Supposing it is not a propaganda hoax, but indeed written by Saddam's hand.... the same man who could shoot a minister at a cabinet meeting, and have his daughter's husband killed.
But then again, Hitler made some innocent paintings in his youth.
What a strange creature is man. Capable of so much good and so much evil.
i think Saddam change completely after American invasion. IT'S REALLY NICE POETRY,i hope Iraqis can understand it
Mona, dear, i just received this via e-mail from friends that think i will be interested with it,, and I'm indeed! so, if u have something new,, just send it to me. Thanks in advance :)
Halalhippie, i did like the poem and i tried my best to give u the meanings of these GREAT words. but i don't know if it's really by Sadaam or not.
but who knows?!
by the way, i will put for u my translation for the previous post, it can help u see how Sadaam changed in the last 10 years. i tried to translate all the points, so u can read all what i'v got.
yes, he was tyrant, but maybe he changed to be better and that's why he lost his power.
BH, i believe that too, and not after USA invasion, but even before and that was the reason of invasion.
it's like a message to iraqis,, all of them.. hope they can understand his message.
You and your blog should win the bi-lingual award! You do wonderful translations and your posts are always in Arabic and in English. You are very tallented and I think you should win an award like this!
oh my God, Tristan dear. thank u,,, i'm just speechless!! i was thinking of u and i did send an e-mail now,,,so I surprised to find ur comment. thank u dear. i think there are many wonderful people do great job in blogs world to enlighten others and help them to see and learn more about what they might don't know anything about it. i'm so happy u r fine and doing well, i just told u in my e-mial what happened with me this week and i will try to keep sending e-mails and posts regularly.
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