Heaven's Lights Heaven's Lights: Jimmy Cater.. Thank You!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Jimmy Cater.. Thank You!

لماذا الآن؟!

بعد أن بلغ من العمر عتيا ، بعد أن فقد السلطة و الحكم ، بل بعد أن رعى و بارك و ساند المعتدين طوال فترة حكمة بدون أن ينطق بالحق ، الآن أتى ليقولها صراحة و بدون رياء‏ وتملق. جاء ليعلن الحقيقة التي يعرفها و كبتها بداخله طوال عقود ، ربما الضمير عذبه ، ربما أراد أن يكفر عن انحيازه وعدم ثبوته على الحق قبل أن يأتيه الأجل ليقابل ربه بضمير انتفض بعد سبات طويل.
جيمي كارتر ، الرئيس السابق ، ومؤلف كتب وأهمها و أكثرها جدلية كتابه الأخير (فلسطين: سلام وليس تفرقة عنصرية).
جيمي كارتر قرر أن يقف ولو متأخراً ليقول الحقيقة ، لينتقد ما الكل يتحاشى مجرد ذكره بسوء ، ليقتحم المحراب المحرم على العالم أن ينطق ضده بكلمة و لو بكلمة حق.
لا بأس أن تهين أو تشتم الأنبياء، بل لا مشكلة أن تطاول على الله رب وخالق العباد، لكن إياك ثم إياك أن تنطق بأي كلمة ضد صاحبه السمو والعزة إسرائيل!!!
إسرائيل و سياستها النازية الانتهازية الاستيطانية الشيطانية، قالها الرجل و أصر عليها و أتمنى بحق أن يثبت على كلمة الحق التي نطق بها.
ربما تأخر طويلاً ليعترف بها ، ربما استهلكه عمر كامل ليريح ضميره ، لكن على الأقل أثبت أن لدية ضمير حي ، على الأقل قرر أن يعلن بصوت جهور عن الحقيقة ، ولم يكبتها في صدره ، لم يكتفي بأضعف الإيمان ويقول أنا غير راضي فقط داخل قلبه و مع نفسه.
بل حتى لو لم يفعل هذا بسبب انتفاضة ضميره، فهو على الأقل فتح الباب أو لنقل فتح فجوة في جدار التخاذل العالمي. يجب على أحد ما بهذه الشجاعة أن يكسر جدار الصمت المخزي عن جرائم وعنصرية الكيان الصهيوني، بل يجب على اليهود أنفسهم أن يثبتوا أنهم فعلاً ليسوا من الصهاينة الذين تفوقوا على الناريين بالجرائم الرهيبة. وأنهم بريئون من هولوكوست الصهاينة المستمر ضد الأبرياء.
شكراً جيمي كارتر ، نتمنى أن نرى آخرين يمتلكون الشجاعة الكافية ليقولوا الحق و لو متأخرين ولو تعرضوا لكل الحملات العشواء والتنديدات الخرقاء.

Why now?!

When he reached this age?! When he lost his power and rule?! When he supported and blessed those aggressors during his long ruling and power!!
Now, he came to say it loud and clear,, he came to say the truth honestly after all these years!
Maybe his conscience torturing him, maybe he wants to expiate of his biased and feel free.
Everything is possible, and even if he did that for another reasons and not for his living conscience,, at least, he opened the door or let's say opened a gap in that global feebleness wall. Someone with this courage should breaking through that wall of silence toward Zionism crimes and racism.
Jews themselves should stand firmly and say: we are not Zionists, we will not be a new Nazis, we should end this racism state and stop these killings and countless Holocausts on innocent people by our names!

"President Jimmy Carter Gets Called a Racist and Anti-Semite"
Our world must know that there is no Anti-Semite, Arabs are Semitic too and they don't use this expression! How it will be if I try to use it one day to sue who annoying me "even if they are right"!!!

True words: "Palestinians are deprived of basic human rights. Their land has been occupied and then confiscated and then colonized by the Israeli settlers. And they have now more than 205 settlements in the West Bank itself. And what has happened is, over a period of years, the Israelis have connected settlements with highways, and those highways make the West Bank look like a honeycomb and maybe a spider web. You can envision it. And in many cases, most cases, the Palestinians are prevented from using the highways at all, and in many cases, even from crossing the highways.."

Thank you Jimmy Carter for having such courage to say truth without equivocation.

Wishing to see more people saying truth even if they gonna face blind attacks or silly condemnations.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haza ya7sol da2emn,
ba3d feqdanehem le alnofoz w alsol6a ytkalamon al7aq !

maza sayofed al2an!!

12/19/2006 9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noor: I believe it takes a great and courageous man to speak up against the Israelis and I think Jimmy Carter is only trying to state the obvious. No man is unaware of the conflict, it's just that not enough is being done to help these people help themselves. Even now, how can there be peace with all the fighting between Fatah and Hamas? They don't even have a steady government. So, more power to Olmert then. P/s Nice pictures Noor, I really enjoyed the little girl with the Quran pic, how adorable :)

12/21/2006 3:20 AM  
Blogger Fætter Vims said...

I always liked Jimmy Carter: during his presidency he warned the American People that it might be a good idea not to depend on ME dictators for cheap oil.

And guess what: they elected Reagan.

12/22/2006 2:47 PM  
Blogger Um Haleema said...

And as soon as Reagan was sworn in the Iranian hostages were released.

12/22/2006 10:54 PM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

Mona, thanks dear. check ur e-mail ;)
Cal, u r absolutely right. I respected his courage and I was -at the same time- sad and upset toward Fatah and Hamas fighting. It's a real shame to fight ur family and ur people.
As for pics, I just decided to publish all pictures that I used in my blog in Flicker, so who didn't see my pictures here, can catch them in my album in Flicker. U r welcome dear and I'm really happy u liked Muslim children pictures.
Hippie, well, i'm not that expert in American presidents or presidential candidates
and guess what i don't know most of them. but what i care about is the justice and fair ruling, when u do the right choice u automatically feel comfortable inside no matter people around say or do. an i right!??

Um Haleema, welcome back sis, nice to hear from u. so, tell me, what's ur point about that, treat ppl as they treat u or do the unexpected attack!!
so, can u tell me what do u think about Jimmy Cater and his book 'his declaration'?!!!!
oh, yes, did u read my post about that site that u gave me long before! it's in arabic and i was busy otherwise i will translate it for u!

12/23/2006 4:19 AM  
Blogger Um Haleema said...

"what's ur point about that, treat ppl as they treat u or do the unexpected attack!!"


I don't follow where that question came from.

My comment came because it appeared as though Reagan had made some sort of secret deal with the Iranians that Carter must have refused to do.

12/23/2006 8:52 AM  

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