I have been tagged again by MONA
صديقتي و أختي الصغيرة منى أوصتني أن أجيب هذا السؤال
التاغ: اذكر 5 عقبات واجهتك في المراحل الأولى منذ بدأت مهنة التدوين؟!
مهنه!!! وهل التدوين مهنه؟!؟ لم أكن أعرف هذا!! ربما قصدوا مهمة التدوين آو هواية التدوين!
عموماً لا أدري ما نوع العقبات التي المقصودة هنا!
1- ربما أول عقبه كانت كيف أحقق الهدف المنشود من افتتاح مدونتي هذه! ولكني مع الأيام أشعر أني فعلاً حققت و لو جزء بسيط و لكن مهم من المطلوب و أصبحت قريبة من بعض الغربيين و توضحت صور كثيرة أمامي عنهم و عن حياتهم بمجتمعاتهم المختلفة!
2-ربما أحاول أن أكون حريصة جداً في انتقاء المواضيع و لهذا أتأخر أحيانا في تجديد المدونة خاصة إذا لم أجد ما يتناسب وما أرغب أن انشره وأتشارك به مع الزوار لأني اعتبرها مسئولية كبيرة جداً وخاصة أنها نافذتي للعالم أجمع و كل العالم ينظر نحوها ، وليس بنظرة شخصية بقدر أنها نموذج عن المسلمين و العرب و قد تكون لها نتائج ايجابية أو سلبية في إعطاء الانطباع عنا بحسب المنشور!
3- أحاول أن أكون أكثر تفاعلاً كما بدأت أول مرة! ولكن الظروف بدأت تسحبني كثيرا ، وغدوت مشغولة أكثر فأكثر و لم أعد أقدر أن أتابع كل المدونات التي تعجبني ، وإذا زرتها فلن تكون إلا لدقائق لا تكفيني للتفاعل مع المنشور! ولهذا أتأخر كثيرا إذا ما رغبت أن أشارك الآخرين ولأني من النوع الذي لا يحب أن يتسرع في التعليق إلا في حاله أني تعمقت بالموضوع أكثر خاصة إذا كان الأمر جاد حساس و مهم ، وكل كلمة فيه محسوبة ، فبعض الكلمات أحد من السيوف!
4- أحب ما يضيفه البعض من المدونين لمدوناتهم من وصلات و أمور ظريفة لطيفه في مجملها! ولكني أحيانا أواجه صعوبة في عمل الشيء ذاته! منها قلة وقتي على الانترنت ، والأمر قد لا يحتاج إلى براعة بقدر فهم و استيعاب و هذا يحتاج وقت وهنا المعضلة!! الوقت عندي صار ضيق جداً!!
5- مشكلتي أني من النوع الذي يحب أن يكون صريح وصادق في آرائه و لكني بنفس الوقت أخشى أن اجرح أي إنسان مهما كان بدون قصد مني ، ولهذا ومع أني قد أعبر عن فكرتي و نظري بكل مصداقية و بدون لف أو دوران ولكني أبقى قلقة أن أكون جرحت إنسان بأي شكل من الأشكال.
والآن ، هل علي أن اختار من يجيب على نفس السؤال: من هم بقائمة المدونات المفضلة عندي وكل من يزور و يقرأ الآن! :)
My dear friend and little sister MONA sent to me this MeMe to do,,, Thanks God it's easy somehow and not hard one regarding secrets ;p
It's only one question: mention 5 obstacles that you faced in the first steps in your Blogging CAREER?!
CAREER!!! I don't think that Blogging is a career!! Maybe they meant mission or hobby.
Anyway, I don't know what kind of obstacles they meant here,, is it regarding to the blog itself or people or what?!!!
1- Maybe the first obstacle that I was considering is how to achieve those goals that I opened this blog for!! However, day after day, I found that I did achieve some of these goals and I became close to normal people in other societies and they helped me to see and know their way of life and how they live and even know new facts I never knew about them.
2- Maybe I'm over-concern about my posts, I only want to publish what I think and believe it's right, good and useful and really can help me and others to exchange information or clarify some ideas. So, I don't update my blog daily,,, it's more important in my belief that to publish something good and useful even weekly than update daily with useless posts.
3- I try to be more interactive with others as I used to do in the beginning, but circumstances started to take me more and more. Millions things in my mind and I have commitments that make me REALLY busy. So, now, I don't visit all blogs that I used to do,,, I know I miss excellent posts in most of these blogs, but I have less time on the net now. If I did visit, I will read only without putting comments especially if the subject is really serious, sensitive and need more time to reread it and think about it deeply. I'm not that kind of people who rush to put comments without thinking and balancing words. Some words are sharper than swords!!!
4- I like what some bloggers add in their blogs, so I try sometimes to do same thing in my own blog, but not always succeed! I face some difficulty to apply same things in my blog, not because it needs a proficiency,, but it needs more time to read and understand how it works! TIME!! And this is the dilemma!! I have no time now to spend it reading and try to figure out how these things work!!!
5- The obstacle that I have in myself is that I'm over-concern about people feelings! I like to be frank and truthful in my opinions and thought, but at the same time, I don't like to hurt anyone feelings unintentionally. But still, I want to keep myself in this road of frankness and also be considerater. (So, HalalHippie, sorry again, if you are still remember that LADY!! I can't even take it off my mind)
NOW, do I have to choose some people to answer same question?!! Hmmm, Okay, all who's his/her blog in my list. Besides, each person who is reading now :)
السلام عليكم
مراحل مريتي بها ممكن تكون شبيهة مع كل واحد منا
وخاصة الوقت او نوع المادة يلي بنكتبها ، بتحيرني اكثر شيء ، احيانا اصل لمرحلة اتوقف عن الكتابة لا شيء ..ومريت بمرحلة انه الغي المدونة بجد لكني ما وجدته من التفاف للأصدقاء جعلني اتراجع عن هذا الشيء لأنه المدونة بدأت لي والآن صار هناك من يشاركني فيها
اتمنى لك الإستمرار والتوفيق
Please, dear sister, forget about that LADY. :-) Just another (small) example of how "we" misunderstand each other.
Indeed we were" made into tribes and nations so we could know each other"
Blogs like yours are drops of pure water into the muddy thinking of the world - if you catch the image.
Allah yabarik feek.
Dear Noor,
u r more than welcome my big sis ;)
thx for answering the Tag :) the word "career" i wrote it in order to make fun, i think :shy:
check ur e-mail please :$
آدم, وعليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاتة
أنا واثقة اننا نمر بمثل هذه العقبات و المراحل و الافكار
وانا أيضاً، كنت على وشك ايقاف المدونة "مؤقتا" لحتى اتفرغ و اجد ما أضيفة و يفيد الغير ، لكني تراجعت وقلت من الافضل ان اكمل واذا لم أحدثها يومياً فسوف يكفي كل اسبوع مرة. وهناك دور مهم للزوار في حث و دعم صاحب المدونة على الاستمرار او الانسحاب! فهم عنصر مؤثر في بث الحماس والتشجيع او حتى العكس!
شكرا لك اخي والله يوفقنا جميعاً لكل ما يحبه و يرضاه.
HH, I'm so happy u r really not sad nor mad and really understood my point bcos u kept that pic and used it later while I deleted the entire post,, that means u still didn't forget. i really feel bad if i hurt someone feelings. even if i don't now him/her,, still make me feel horrible.
Yes Indeed! that what we have to know and consider (different nations to know each other NOT to fight each other)!
thank u dear brother for this description,,,it's really nice and i hope i can really be in the right path to help correcting some wrong images or be close to other people with different cultures and backgrounds.
thank u so much
May God Bless U Too
Mona, thank u sweetheart for this. i know!! i wanted only to put comment about it. ;p
Yes, i did reply ,,,so check ur e-mail now.
Take care
Noor : I've never met you in person (and probably never will) but after reading your posts all I can say is that you're such a sweetheart. I understand it well when you say it's hard to express your opinions without hurting other people's feelings. Sometimes you need to stand your ground and put aside what others may or may not think about you. What's important is that you stick to what you believe is true and never be afraid to be 'frank' and 'truthful'!
Ok, since I'm not a blogger I can't really be part of your survey. But it was surely interesting to read about your dilemmas as a blogger. Which reminds me of an Egyptian blogger who was sentenced to prison for his 'work' on the internet. Maybe he was being too critical of the government or something. The internet can be such a life-ruiner sometimes.
Dear cal, thank u so much for such sweet words. I'm really grateful to ur nice words. Well, it's really hard to be frank and try to be nice so u don't hurt any feelings. I was wondering if u r blogger or not, if u have blog or not. So u don't!
As for Egyptian bloggers,,, I think I read about one of them called something like Karim. He didn't respect others in his words, to be frank not mean to be rude! He said horrible things about Islam and even Christianity. So, he deserves to be punished. Some people think that they can be famous if they done something unusual and this is not that pleasing fame. So sad that some can't use this internet and blogs in that good way to be close with others, exchange information in really friendly way, so we can make friends not enemies!
i think we have to have honor-covenant for blogging. what do you think?!
Kareem Amer "said horrible things about Islam and even Christianity. So, he deserves to be punished."
That view is very hard for Westerners to understand. Those who know the story are outraged. I don't know much about _what_ he has been writing, but he deserves to be proven wrong, if anything.
Everybody has a right to have an opinion, and to express it. And everybody else has a right to disagree.
To accuse conservative Islam/Wahabism of taking over education in Egypt may or may not be true; that should cause debate, not imprisonment.
But I agree, he hasn't been very careful.
Hmm, kareem Amer!! I don't know him and as I read about his posts, he really mocked on Islam and Christianity in bad way, without expressing any point of view! So, if you don't have any meaning for your words, don't say it at all!
Freedom of speech doesn't mean you go and insult others without any direct or clear purpose! You have to balance your words to gain respect of others, you have to ask politely if you don't understand something, you have to choose the best language to express your opinion! By that only, people can deal with you and enlighten you if you can't understand something.
What he said was only mocking and lowering religions, which I don't think that hurt anyone but himself! He showed how much he is ridiculous and not in that level of REAL thinkers. For me, I will never deal with such person like him. I prefer to deal with thoughtful Jewish and not some one like him. Trust me!
Wahabism!!! I don't even know what Wahabism is?!! I know a little about it as a political movement mixed with pure Islam and they created their new standards! So, I'm out of this!! I'm just following pure Islam with pure teachings of love and respect!
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