Heaven's Lights Heaven's Lights: June 2007

Thursday, June 28, 2007

درر من الكلام

لا خير في ملك...!!!!

قال السماك الزاهد لهارون الرشيد وقد دعاه إلى قدح ماء ليشربه ، فقال: يا أمير المؤمنين لو منعت منك هذه الشربة بكم تشتريها؟ فقال هارون: بملكي كله!!
فقال له السماك: فلو منعت خروجها منك ، فبكم تشتريها؟ فقال هارون: بملكي كله!!!
فقال: لا خير في ملك لا يساوي شربه ماء و لا خروجه!!
No value for possessions

The ascetic Al Samak said once to Haron Al Rasheed, when he gave him a glass of water,, : O Commander of the Faithful, what will you do if you prevented from drinking this water,?,
he replied: I will give all my possessions for it!!!
Then he said: and what if you prevented from let this water come out of your body??
He replied: I will give all my possessions for that as well!!!
Then Al Samak said: so, there is no value or use of possessions in front of value of drinking a water and making water!!


من بعد عُمَيْرِ

خرج عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه ، ويده على المُعَلَّى بن الجارود العبدي ، فلقيتة امرأة من قريش ، فقالت له: يا عمر. فوقف لها ، فقالت: كنا نعرفك مّدةّ عُمَيْرِاً ، ثم صرت من بعد عُمَيْرِ عُمَرَ ، ثم صرت بعد عمر أمير المؤمنين ، فاتق الله يا بن الخطاب وانظر في أمور الناس ، فإنه من خاف الوعيدّ قرب عليه البعيد ، ومن خاف الموت خَشِي الفوْت ، فقال المعلى: إيهاً أمه الله! لقد أبكيتِ أمير المؤمنين ، فقال له عمر: أسكت! أتدري من هذه ويحك؟!! هذه خَوْله بنت حكيم التي سمع الله قولها من سمائه ، فَعُمَر أحْرَى انم يسمع قولها و يقتدي به!
After Omayer ,,, Omar

Omar Bin Al Katab left once with his Al Moala Bin Al Garood Al Abdee,, then, a woman from Quraysh met him,,, she said: O Omar,, so he stopped for her. Then she went on: we used to know you as Omayer, and then you became Omar, and after Omar you became Caliph. So, fear God Omar and look at people's needs. Who fears Threat finds everything closer, and who fears Death fears to miss. So, Al Moala replied: O woman, you made our Caliph crying,,, but Omar said: hush ! for God Sake, don't you know who is this?? This is Kawla Bint Hakeem,, the one that God heard her complaint on his throne,,, so Omar with all the more reason should hear her.


المحروم الحقيقي

قال العتبي: رأيت إعرابياً في طريق مكة يسأل الناس ولا يعطونه شيئاً وبين يديه صبي صغير له، فلما ألح و أخفق قال: ما أراني إلا محروماً ، فقال الصبي: يا أبه ، المحروم من سئل فبخل ، ليس من سأل فلم يعط ، قال: فعجب الناس من كلامه ، وأقبلوا يهبون له حتى كسوه!
The Real Poor

Al Atbee said: I saw a Bedouin in Maaka road asking and begging people, but no one cared and no one gave him anything,,, and he was holding a young boy. He tried and asked, but in vain. So he said: I think I'm poor "divested of blessing".
The boy replied: father, the real Poor is the one who been asked and not give, not the one who asked and not get.
The people astonished with the boy's saying and all of them started to give that man and his son.


اختبار غير وارد

يروى أن إبليس اللعين جاء إلى نبي الله عيسى علية السلام فقال: ألست تزعم أنه لا يصيبك إلا ما كتب الله لك؟ قال: بلى ، فقال: فإرم بنفسك من هذا الجبل! فإنه إن قدر الله لك السلامة تسلم ، فقال له: يا ملعون ، لله عز وجل أن يختبر عباده وليس للعبد أن يختبر ربه عز وجل.

وجدت الرواية بالجريدة و لكني بالمقابل هي موجودة بالإنجيل وقد قرأتها بنفسي بالإنجيل الذي معي، موجودة بالإنجيل بنص مشابه جدا باستثناء الاختلاف المتعارف عليه بيننا و بين الإخوة المسيحيين بكينونة النبي عيسى و انه نبي و ليس ابن الله!
Unthinkable test

Narrated that the Devil came to Prophet Essa "Jesus" and said: you claim that nothing can happen you unless something God destine it to you. So prophet Essa replied: this is true.
Devil said: so, threw yourself then from this mountain. If God destined you will be safe.
The prophet replied: you Devil, God can test his worshippers, but we can't put God to the test.

I read something similar to this story in the Bible,,, not quite similar, but with same idea,,, "we can't put GOD to the test".

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Laws in Islam

I remembered that few months ago a friend wanted to talk to me urgently through my messenger. So, I met her to see what the big deal is. She told me that a friend,, a non-Muslim friend challenging her in a case in Islam about "Dhimma" or "people of Dhimma". She asked me to help her,,, well, I'm not an expert to help her or to give her a sufficient answer that satisfy her friend. But, I tried my best to see and answer her as a Muslim a normal Muslim. Finally, I gave her an advice that if her friend seeking an answer just for knowledge, it will be fine, otherwise he will not be satisfied no matter what she did for him.

Anyway, I want here to talk first about rules/laws in Islam in my point of view of course.
As I see and as I studied in school that the source of our rules and legislation "Sharee'a" comes from different sources:

First: The Holy Quran ,
Second: The biography of Prophet Mohammed PBUH,
Third: AlQeyas (juristic reasoning "deduction"), which means trying to make new law or rule according to what we have in our Holy Koran and the biography of Prophet Mohammed PBUH.
Fourth: AlEjma (consensus "of Moslem legal scholars")
, which means if the scholars and scientists couldn't find a base for a new rule/law, they can get together and put a new one by unanimous vote.

Also, there are other categories under these, but these are the main ones.

This is establish and show that rules in Islam are flexible and not rigorous or can't be changed. Each time has its own rules and laws; each community can find and make what finds it necessary for their lives and their time and place. This can called Fatwa, and Fatwa is not to create mess and create extremists, it's to make life easy for ordinary people and organize the society to be in the right direction and find no problems in their lives.

Yes, unfortunately, there are some irresponsible people who issue such ridiculous Fatwa which have no meanings or use except creating such mess for nothing and have no related to essence of Islam.

From the previous, I believe that some rules or "pacts" happened in the early time of Islam has no longer use. It is something can be discussed through different perspectives. Islam needed at that time to create pacts with other groups and non-Muslims, so each one will know his rights and duties as one community living together peacefully, but it should be clear to you that there was no aggression against anyone. It was so clear in Islam that it's not allowed to kill any person who is not a soldier or someone threats your life, it is not allowed to destroy buildings or houses, , it is not allowed to destroy a monastery or place of worship or hurt monks or priests, it is not allowed even to plucking out trees.

So, how can I believe in the opposite or something against this basic rule?

Besides, Omar prayed beside a church in Palestine and not inside it,,

Just to not give other people a reason to touch or change that church and say: Omar prayed inside it, so it must turn into a mosque.

So, how can such person thinks in such way will made unfair pact????

I don't know that much about "pact of Omar", but I have great belief that he was strong man with great faith and just inside his heart. Yet, No one is perfect,,, and I can't tell that much about this story, it's a historical event, yes could be right, but with not fully true details.

Again, as I said to a dear one lately, I don't read that much now, I'm not following all news and stories,,, my new commitment makes me busy all the time, but I'm trying my best to keep in touch with all of my dear friends.

Sorry, if I didn't give you a clear idea about it,, it needs a very deep study first, but as I said there are some rules or events happened during specific time and not longer use,, it ended with the end of its situations and times.

Maybe if someone has better information than me can help us both and clarify this topic more.


I forgot to add very important point about the idea of "Protection" or "The protected person". This term is very old one; it existed long before Islam in Arabic region. People at that time used to give their protection to anyone need their help, their powerful authority or tribe. This was so common thing in that time.

I remember once in a story about Muslims in their early time when they were few, weak and powerless, many of them were poor people or slaves who had no power or tribe to protect them from wronging of others. One of them "I can't remember who" was poor and powerless, so he went to a well-known man at that time who had power and authority and asked him to protect him. So, that rich man went out and declared that this Muslim under his protection, so no one has the right to hurt him in any way. The poor Muslim became in the safe side, he can go out and fear no wrong or aggression from others. He wasn't happy though, he saw other helpless Muslims being insult and beat by non-Muslims,, he felt so bad that he asked a human being to protect him and didn't ask GOD first. So, he made up his mind and went to that rich man and thanked him for the protection and said: thank you for your hospitality and protection, but I don't need any protection from anyone,, so please announce this. The rich man wasn't really convinced that someone in this Muslim position will think to face such hostility by himself without protection. Anyhow, he did announce to others that this Muslim man is not under his protection. The Muslim was happy that he is not under any human protection and only seek God protection and care. So, when he went out in the street, he was a new target and someone hit him and injured his eye. When the rich man knew that, he said: see what happened to you now? If you were under my protection, nothing of this will happen,,, the Muslim replied confidently: no, I'm more happy now, my other eye truly wishes to face same thing in the sake of God.
{Although I can't remember the names, but I loved his way of thinking to what happened to him. His faith and love to God is such pure and true and higher than anything. I think if we look to all what happens to us positively, will make us more satisfied and content.}