Heaven's Lights Heaven's Lights: February 2007

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Good News AND Bad News

First Muslims in Dutch cabinet

Two Muslims are being sworn into the Dutch government on Thursday, becoming the first Muslim cabinet members in the Netherlands.
Read More Here

Well, I was happy when I watched this on TV. I like to see Muslims participate in their adopted countries and be real and decent citizens there. It’s the healthy way to break any unreal wall between the different societies and make nice and friendly relation with others. You have to take the first step; you have to go first and share others, smile and join them happily. Step by step, you will have such GREAT friendship with locals who may have no clue about Islam or Muslims in general. You have to help them to see the real Islam and not let liars do your work.

هذا الخبر جميل ، لأننا بحاجة أن نرى الكثير من المسلمين المعتدلين الذين يشاركون في بلادهم الجديدة التي تحتضنهم ، عليهم أن يكونوا مواطنين ممتازين و مميزين لينالوا الإعجاب والتقدير ، لا أحب أن أرى المسلمين منعزلين و متقوقعين في بلاد الغرب، ليس كل الغرب فساد ففي كل مكان نجد الصالح و الطالح ، فقط المسألة مسألة مبدأ و اختيار ، عليكم اخذ المبادرة و الخطوة الأولى ليتقبلكم الإنسان العادي ابن البلد الذي انتم فيه ، اخرجوا للناس تفاعلوا و ابتسموا ، كونوا مسلمين فعلاً بنشركم رسالة الإسلام الصحيحة بابتسامة صادقة بلفته كريمة بمبادرات لطيفة مؤثرة ومهما كانت بسيطة تبقى مؤثرة ، تحرككم سوف يدحض كل ما يروج له الأعداء عن المسلمين ، تقوقعكم هو ما يزيدهم قوة و يؤكد مخاوف الناس العاديين ، لا تتركوا للعدو فرصة أن يشوهكم وانتم قاعدون!


The International Court of Justice, the United Nation’s highest court, cleared Serbia of direct responsibility for genocide during the 1990s Bosnian war, but ruled that it failed to prevent the 1995 massacre of Bosnian Muslims at Srebrenica.
Read More Here

it was a real shock!!! Really disappointed me! I never thought they can do such thing! How they can clear such criminals and let them go with it! It's not a real justice and all this done for politics reasons!!
I wrote about this case before. I was shocked at that time because I didn't know that much about this case. I read in many sites even for westerners who were eyewitnesses.
There are endless evidences to prove their involvement in that massacre and in endless crimes they done!!
I wonder,,, is it because they are Muslims, what if the victims were Christians or even Jews?! Will be the same! I doubt!!that prove that there is no real justice in our world even in the highest court.
I only pray that God will bring these criminals and who helped them to his REAL justice and they will burn down in the deepest part of the hell.
I'm sorry! I'm totally mad! I became so close to this case in the past and I can't even forget it. I was sad and I cried to know how much those victims suffered and tortured. I can't blame organization like ICJ,, it's like UN or SN!!! All of them are slaves for… !!! I should blame and upbraid your brothers and sisters, Arabs and Muslims, they are so many, but powerless!!!

My dear and beloved Bosnian Muslims, forgive us, forgive our weakness and effeteness. We let you down, we didn't save you when you needed us, and even now we let you down to save your rights. We are useless brothers and sisters to you. I don't know how I can express my shame for not supporting you or even standing by your side.

I'm writing now and I wrote before, maybe I don't have anything but my words and consolation.

Dears, trust that God is the justice and you will get your rights sooner or later.

قضية تضربني بالصميم! أحبائنا و إخوتنا بالبوسنة و غيرها تعذبوا و عانوا و قاسوا الآمرين! وبعد المعاناة و العذاب الذي لم ينتهي ، لم يجدوا أي عزاء من محكمة عدل دولية ولا غيرها!
بل لم يجدوا دعم المسلمين و العرب أنفسهم!
الأوجب أن نجد كل الدول الإسلامية تتكاتف لحفظ حقوق هؤلاء الضحايا ، فإذا لم يتم حمايتهم أحياء علينا حماية حقوقهم على الأقل! وهناك من لا يزال يعيش ويحمل مرارة العذاب و الذل من ذلك اليوم إلى الآن.
كم أشعر بالخزي و العار أن أرى المسلمين تجاوزوا المليار ولكنهم بلا أي تأثير أو قوة في مجريات أحداث العالم. هل هم الغثاء الذي قال عنه الرسول الكريم؟! واخشيتي أن نكون نحن فعلاً عصر الغثاء كغثاء السيل! فلسنا من قلة بل نحن كثير!!!
كم يؤسفني أني لا أملك إلا الدعاء لأحبابنا هناك والذي يقطر قلبي دما وعيني دمعا لأجلهم ،، لما قاسوه و عانوه.
عزائي الوحيد أن الله هو العدل الصمد الذي لا يظلم عنده أحد ، وسيأتي اليوم الذي يقف فيه كل ظالم و مجرم أمام الله ويقتص منه ضحاياه. فالحقوق يومها سترد لأصحابها و كل ظالم سينال جزائه.


News never end,,, you can find more news about Islamic world in the same site:

Friday, February 23, 2007

I have been tagged again by MONA

صديقتي و أختي الصغيرة منى أوصتني أن أجيب هذا السؤال

التاغ: اذكر 5 عقبات واجهتك في المراحل الأولى منذ بدأت مهنة التدوين؟!

مهنه!!! وهل التدوين مهنه؟!؟ لم أكن أعرف هذا!! ربما قصدوا مهمة التدوين آو هواية التدوين!
عموماً لا أدري ما نوع العقبات التي المقصودة هنا!

1- ربما أول عقبه كانت كيف أحقق الهدف المنشود من افتتاح مدونتي هذه! ولكني مع الأيام أشعر أني فعلاً حققت و لو جزء بسيط و لكن مهم من المطلوب و أصبحت قريبة من بعض الغربيين و توضحت صور كثيرة أمامي عنهم و عن حياتهم بمجتمعاتهم المختلفة!

2-ربما أحاول أن أكون حريصة جداً في انتقاء المواضيع و لهذا أتأخر أحيانا في تجديد المدونة خاصة إذا لم أجد ما يتناسب وما أرغب أن انشره وأتشارك به مع الزوار لأني اعتبرها مسئولية كبيرة جداً وخاصة أنها نافذتي للعالم أجمع و كل العالم ينظر نحوها ، وليس بنظرة شخصية بقدر أنها نموذج عن المسلمين و العرب و قد تكون لها نتائج ايجابية أو سلبية في إعطاء الانطباع عنا بحسب المنشور!

3- أحاول أن أكون أكثر تفاعلاً كما بدأت أول مرة! ولكن الظروف بدأت تسحبني كثيرا ، وغدوت مشغولة أكثر فأكثر و لم أعد أقدر أن أتابع كل المدونات التي تعجبني ، وإذا زرتها فلن تكون إلا لدقائق لا تكفيني للتفاعل مع المنشور! ولهذا أتأخر كثيرا إذا ما رغبت أن أشارك الآخرين ولأني من النوع الذي لا يحب أن يتسرع في التعليق إلا في حاله أني تعمقت بالموضوع أكثر خاصة إذا كان الأمر جاد حساس و مهم ، وكل كلمة فيه محسوبة ، فبعض الكلمات أحد من السيوف!

4- أحب ما يضيفه البعض من المدونين لمدوناتهم من وصلات و أمور ظريفة لطيفه في مجملها! ولكني أحيانا أواجه صعوبة في عمل الشيء ذاته! منها قلة وقتي على الانترنت ، والأمر قد لا يحتاج إلى براعة بقدر فهم و استيعاب و هذا يحتاج وقت وهنا المعضلة!! الوقت عندي صار ضيق جداً!!

5- مشكلتي أني من النوع الذي يحب أن يكون صريح وصادق في آرائه و لكني بنفس الوقت أخشى أن اجرح أي إنسان مهما كان بدون قصد مني ، ولهذا ومع أني قد أعبر عن فكرتي و نظري بكل مصداقية و بدون لف أو دوران ولكني أبقى قلقة أن أكون جرحت إنسان بأي شكل من الأشكال.

والآن ، هل علي أن اختار من يجيب على نفس السؤال: من هم بقائمة المدونات المفضلة عندي وكل من يزور و يقرأ الآن! :)

My dear friend and little sister MONA sent to me this MeMe to do,,, Thanks God it's easy somehow and not hard one regarding secrets ;p

It's only one question: mention 5 obstacles that you faced in the first steps in your Blogging CAREER?!

CAREER!!! I don't think that Blogging is a career!! Maybe they meant mission or hobby.
Anyway, I don't know what kind of obstacles they meant here,, is it regarding to the blog itself or people or what?!!!

1- Maybe the first obstacle that I was considering is how to achieve those goals that I opened this blog for!! However, day after day, I found that I did achieve some of these goals and I became close to normal people in other societies and they helped me to see and know their way of life and how they live and even know new facts I never knew about them.

2- Maybe I'm over-concern about my posts, I only want to publish what I think and believe it's right, good and useful and really can help me and others to exchange information or clarify some ideas. So, I don't update my blog daily,,, it's more important in my belief that to publish something good and useful even weekly than update daily with useless posts.

3- I try to be more interactive with others as I used to do in the beginning, but circumstances started to take me more and more. Millions things in my mind and I have commitments that make me REALLY busy. So, now, I don't visit all blogs that I used to do,,, I know I miss excellent posts in most of these blogs, but I have less time on the net now. If I did visit, I will read only without putting comments especially if the subject is really serious, sensitive and need more time to reread it and think about it deeply. I'm not that kind of people who rush to put comments without thinking and balancing words. Some words are sharper than swords!!!

4- I like what some bloggers add in their blogs, so I try sometimes to do same thing in my own blog, but not always succeed! I face some difficulty to apply same things in my blog, not because it needs a proficiency,, but it needs more time to read and understand how it works! TIME!! And this is the dilemma!! I have no time now to spend it reading and try to figure out how these things work!!!

5- The obstacle that I have in myself is that I'm over-concern about people feelings! I like to be frank and truthful in my opinions and thought, but at the same time, I don't like to hurt anyone feelings unintentionally. But still, I want to keep myself in this road of frankness and also be considerater. (So, HalalHippie, sorry again, if you are still remember that LADY!! I can't even take it off my mind)

NOW, do I have to choose some people to answer same question?!! Hmmm, Okay, all who's his/her blog in my list. Besides, each person who is reading now :)

Friday, February 16, 2007

ولكن بــــالحلال!!

ولكن بــــالحلال!!

كان من بين الذين يحضرون الصلاة مع النبي صلى الله علية و سلم رجل اشتهر بسرقة المال ، و الاعتداء على الأنفس والأعراض ، و في ذات يوم سمع الرسول صلوات الله عليه يقول: من ترك شيئا في الحرام ناله في الحلال، فصادف ذلك القول من نفسه موضع القلب ،،، واعتزم أمراً ، فلما أقبل الليل بسمائه القاتمة ، تسلل كما تعود ،في غفلة من الناس ، إلى بيت امرأة مؤمنة ، مات عنها زوجها و تعيش وحدها ، وأخذ يحوس خلال غرفات الدار ، فرأى في واحدة منها طعاماً مجهزاً ، ولما همَّ أن يتناوله تذكر قول الرسول : من ترك شيئا في الحرام ناله في الحلال ، فامتنع عنه وهو يشتهيه ، ورأى في غرفة أخرى كيساً من الذهب النُّضار ، فلما هم بأخذه تذكر قول الرسول كذلك ، فتركه ، ورأى في مكان أخر امرأة ذات جمال وفتنه مستغرقة في نوم عميق ، فوسوس إليه الشيطان بقربها ، ولكنه تذكر قول الرسول أيضاً ، فخرج من البيت دون أن يصيب شيئاً ، ثم ذهب ليؤدي صلاة الفجر في مسجد الرسول كعادته ، وبعد الصلاة انزوى في أحد أركان المسجد مفكراً فيما كان منه ، وفي تلك اللحظة ، أتت المرأة لتقص على النبي قصة هذا السارق الذي لم يخنها ، وهي تعجب من ذلك ، فابتسم الرسول صلوات الله علية وقال لها: أوحيدة أنت تعيشين؟ قالت: نعم ، لقد مات زوجي ، فأشار الرسول إلى الرجل القابع في الركن وقال له: أمتزوج أنت؟ قال: لا ، ماتت زوجتي منذ حين. فقال له: وهذه المرأة مات عنها زوجها فهل لكما أن تتزوجا؟ فلم يجيبا حياءً ، فزوجهما الرسول ، وهنا بكى الرجل و قص على الرسول قصته ، وأيدته المرأة فيما قال.
وما تنفس الصبح حتى عادا إلى بيتهما زوجين ، وتناول الرجل من نفس الطعام الذي تركه و تملك الذهب و تمتع بالمرأة ، ولكن بالحلال!

قصة جميلة جداً وقد نقلتها من أحد الجرائد ، أعرفها منذ كنت صغيرة لأنه كان بمنزلنا كتب كثيرة منها كتاب قصص إسلامية وبها هذه القصة الجميلة،،، مع فارق بسيط في الرواية،، حيث انه بالكتاب قالوا أن المرأة لم تشعر بالسارق بل أنها ذهبت للرسول بعد صلاة الفجر لتقول له أن زوجها مات وهي وحيدة و تريد أن تتزوج ،،،،، إلى نهاية القصة.
عموماً أجد بالقصة عدة دلالات ،،،منها أنه أيام الرسول كان يوجد بعض الناس الذين يتخذوا طرق غير مشروعة للحياة ولكن التعامل معهم لم يكن فظاً، فالرسول كان حليم مع الناس ومن يتوب ويرجع إلى ربه بقلب صادق صافي مثل ما حدث مع الرجل فسوف يجد كل خير بإذنه تعالى. المهم معاملة الناس بالحسنى وتوسم كل خير فيهم وعدم التعامل معهم بجفاء وغلظة.

Only by legal way "Halal"!

One of the people who always attending the prayers with Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was a man famous by his robbery and attacking on people. One day, he heard prophet said: "who left something that illegal to him, he will get it by legal way",,, that words affected him and fell into his heart. So, he decided something!. At that night, he sneaked -as usual- into houses when all people are sleeping ,,, he went this time to a house of a Muslim lady,,, lost her husband and she is living alone. He started to check all rooms of that house,, in one he found well-prepared food, but when he was about to eat it, he remembered the prophet's words "who left something that illegal to him, he will get it by legal way", so he didn't eat from that food even though he was hungry. In other room, he found a sack of gold, so when he was about to take it for himself, he remembered again the same words of prophet. So, he left it!
In other place, he saw so beautiful and gorgeous lady sleeping deeply, the Satan whispered to him to go to her side, but he just remembered the words of prophet,, and then he left that house without taking nor touching anything not belong to him.
He went to the Mosque of prophet for Dawn prayer. After the prayer, he sat alone in a corner of the mosque thinking of what he done!
At that moment, the lady of that house came in and told prophet Mohammed the story of the thief that came to her house and left without taking or touching anything. She was amazed by his weird act!
The prophet smiled and said to her: do you live alone?! She replied: Yes, my husband died.
The prophet addressed a question to that man who were sitting alone and said: are you married?!, the man replied: No, my wife died recently!. So, the prophet said: this woman lost he husband too, how about you both get married?!
The woman and man remained silent coyly! So, prophet arranged this marriage and announced them as man and wife.
In that point, the man couldn't help it and started to cry. So, he told prophet the whole story!
So, when the morning came,,, the both man and his wife went to their new house. The man ate from that food,,, took from that sack of gold and get that gorgeous woman,, but all by legal way "Al Halal"!

I love this story and I know it since I was a child. I copied it now from a newspaper, but I read it long time ago in a story book,,, there were so many interesting books in our house and that storybook was among them. There is one thing not similar to what I found in the newspaper. I remember in that storybook,,, they said that the woman came after dawn prayer to prophet to tell him that her husband died and she is alone in the house and she wants to get married. So, maybe, she didn't know about the thief and his breaking through to her house. Anyway, still, the story is very good and has different lessons and not only one. In my opinion, we can see that even in prophet's time there were some people who were living in bad ways, but prophet wasn't hard on them; he was totally patient and not that irritable person. They have to have a chance to think by their hearts and minds and maybe repent and be closer to God. Good treatment is the key to help people who need help to see the beauty of living with that peace of mind and body.

Monday, February 12, 2007

From News

There are so many news that caught my attention, but I didn't write it down before I forget it. There are endless news about what's going on in Iraq and Palestine,,, everyday we watch such news and make us feel more bad and helpless.

Only the story of Osman Chowdhury,, who I went to search about his story.

That was really nice of this satisfied taxi driver. He is really has a heart of gold. How our world will be GREAT and much SAFER if there are so many of this type people.

During last period, I watched a program called Prime Time "PrimeTime Basic instincts". In this program and this spectacular title,, they made several test for ordinary people. What will you do if you were there. What will you do if you saw man attacking and about to hurt a woman in a public place, what will you do if the attacker or the abuser was a woman. When the woman was the victim most of people who stepped in were women!! But when the man was the victim,,, almost no one interfered,,, most of people thought that he cheated her or did bad thing and he was looking guilty!!!

There were different behaviors done by actors to see the reaction of normal people. The racist taxi driver who attacked and insulted black, Arabs, Muslims, Jews, Latin people,…ect!
Some of the passengers stopped him bravely and defended some races,, like that strong black lady who defended Arabs and Muslims and black.
I felt sorry for that boy who couldn’t say anything when the taxi driver attacked Jews and accused them for taking all money and economy of USA. The boy was Jewish!! And he couldn’t tell that!!!
While some passengers enjoyed that and shared that racism,,, one of the them talked about shooting Latin people!!!!

It was interesting series of this program,, go and read more about it:

PrimeTime-Basic instincts

I watched also a report about a campaign for "No Child Soldiers" in France,, nice that many of people still fight for the right of children.

No Child Soldiers

Another report about "Climate Change". That was incredibly scary! How people can't think about our beautiful earth. How they can't do something useful to protect our world. Why some countries ranting about democracy and saving others while they are the one who don't sign any protocol to reduce the pollutions?!!!!

Climate Change


Once, I was watching a symposium in a TV channel and the speaker was Jassem Al Mutawa. He talked about how we are now looking about human being as a number! He said, listen or watch the news,, they say: 10 killed 50 injured! The human being became number nowadays!! In the future, it will be a digital!
While in our religion we look at this human being as a human being! As a living creature with heart, soul and feelings. We should not look at him as number or whatever because Islam and Quran honor this human and consider him as a represented of God on this earth.

It was long and very interesting symposium, but I watched a part of it and that was long long time ago, but I can't forget his words till now.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Poem about Sadaam

قصيدة عن صدام

مجدداً وحتى أكمل مجموعتي من المواضيع التي وصلتني بالايميل عن صدام لهذه الفترة ، وصلتني هذه القصيدة التي تتحدث عن صدام "ملف صوتي" ، وبغض النظر عن اختلاف أرائنا بحق صدام سواء يستحق المديح والتمجيد أو لا ،، تظل أن القصيدة بها تعابير قوية و رائعة وبصراحة أعجبتني منها وصف المشنقة كأرجوحة للأبطال ، أو اعتذار الرصاص و استصراخ الحبال،،،، وغيرها من التعابير و الأوصاف التي وجدتها مذهلة.
ويبقى أن لكل واحد منا نظرته.

Poem about Sadaam

Again and to complete my collection of posts about Sadaam,, I received an audio file for a poem about him,,, praising him and describe the unjust court and the execution and describe him as a hero. Regardless that Sadaam deserves to be praised or not,,, I think this poem has really powerful and lovely expressions such as describing the gallows as a swing for heroes!!! Or when the poet said that: if they killed you by shooting,, the bullets will apology immediately and if they killed you by hanging,, the ropes will scream!!!
Also, he describes the traitor as a pin inside a shoe!

I really like such expressions,, regardless it's for praising Sadaam or not. He also pointed out some things about the case.

Well, if you are thinking NOW why I didn't translate the whole poem?! Well, I think I need someone to write it for me in Arabic first! Because there are some words I didn't get it right! When I want to do something, I want it to be perfect "YES,,, there is nothing perfect, but I want it to be closer to perfection". So, if any one of you can write it in Arabic and give me the right words that I might misunderstand it,,, I will be able -somehow- to translate it in English.

Oh, the poet is a Palestinian because he mentioned that in the poem, but I don't know who is he?!

Download the Audio File by Clicking Here