Heaven's Lights Heaven's Lights: October 2006

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


أعظم كلمة هي...... الله
أعمق كلمة هي......النفس
أطول كلمة هي......الأبدية
أقوى كلمة هي......الحق
أوسع كلمة هي......الصدق
أرق كلمة هي......الحب
أعز كلمة هي......الأمل
أسرع كلمة هي......الوقت
أقرب كلمة هي...... الواقع
أفضل كلمة هي...... المساواة
أعف كلمة هي...... العاطفة
أحسن كلمة هي...... الوفاء
أقسى كلمة هي...... القسوة
أدوم كلمة هي...... الذكرى
أغلى كلمة هي...... الأم
أبهج كلمة هي...... النجاح
أقبح كلمة هي...... الخطأ
أجمل كلمة هي...... التوبة
أصعب كلمة هي...... الكمال
أحلى كلمة هي...... السلام
أخر كلمة هي...... الموت

The greatest word is.........GOD (Allah).
The deepest word is.........Breathe.
The tallest word is.........Eternity.
The strongest word is.........Right.
The widest word is.........Truth.
The softest word is.........Love.
The dearest word is.........Hope.
The fastest word is.........Time.
The closest word is.........Reality.
The deepest word is.........Breathe.
The best word is.........Equality.
The purest word is......... Sentiment.
The finest word is......... Faithfulness.
The roughest word is......... Severity.
The lasting word is......... Memory.
The priciest word is......... Mother.
The delightful word is......... Success.
The ugliest word is.........Mistake.
The prettiest word is.........Repentance.
The difficult word is.........Perfection.
The sweetest word is.........Peace.
The last word is.........Death.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

إعجاز علمي في قيام الليل

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

إعجاز علمي في قيام الليل (جديد)

جاء في كتاب " الوصفات المنزلية المجربة و أسرار الشفاء الطبيعية " و هو كتاب بالانجليزية لمجموعه من المؤلفين الأمريكيين – طبعة 1993 ، أن القيام من الفراش أثناء الليل و الحركة البسيطة داخل المنزل و القيام ببعض التمرينات الرياضية الخفيفة ، و تدليك الأطراف بالماء ، و التنفس بعمق له فوائد صحية عديدة
و المتأمل لهذه النصائح يجد أنها تماثل تماما حركات الوضوء و الصلاة عند قيام الليل ، و قد سبق النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كل هذه الأبحاث في الإشارة المعجزة إلى قيام الليل فقال : " عليكم بقيام الليل ، فانه دأب الصالحين قبلكم ، و قربه إلى الله عز و جل ، و منهاة عن الإثم ، و تكفير للسيئات ، و مطردة للداء من الجسد " ... أورده الألباني في صحيح الجامع برقم4079

و عن كيفية قيام الليل بطرد الداء من الجسد فقد ثبت الآتي :" يؤدي قيام الليل إلى تقليل إفراز هرمون الكورتيزول ( و هو الكورتيزون الطبيعي للجسد ) خصوصا قبل الاستيقاظ بعدة ساعات . و هو ما يتوافق زمنيا مع وقت السحر ( الثلث الأخير من الليل ) ، مما يقي من الزيادة المفاجئة في مستوي سكر الدم ، و الذي يشكل خطورة علي مرضي السكر ، و يقلل كذلك من الارتفاع المفاجئ في ضغط الدم ، و يقي من السكتة المخية و الأزمات القلبية في المرضي المعرضين لذلك ..
كذلك يقلل قيام الليل من مخاطر تخثر الدم في وريد العين الشبكي ، الذي يحدث نتيجة لبطء سريان الدم في أثناء النوم ، و زيادة لزوجة الدم بسبب قلة تناول السوائل، أو زيادة فقدانها. أو بسبب السمنة المفرطة و صعوبة التنفس مما يعوق ارتجاع الدم الوريدي من الرأس .

يؤدي قيام الليل إلى تحسن و ليونة في مرضي التهاب المفاصل المختلفة ، سواء كانت روماتيزمية أو غيرها نتيجة الحركة الخفيفة و التدليك بالماء عند الوضوء .

قيام الليل علاج ناجح لما يعرف باسم " مرض الإجهاد الزمني " لما يوفره قيام الليل من انتظام في الحركة ما بين الجهد البسيط و المتوسط، الذي ثبتت فاعليته في علاج هذا المرض.

يؤدي قيام الليل إلى تخلص الجسد من ما يسمي بالجليسيرات الثلاثية ( نوع من الدهون ) التي تتراكم في الدم خصوصا بعد تناول العشاء المحتوي علي نسبه عالية من الدهون. التي تزيد من مخاطر الإصابة بأمراض شرايين القلب التاجية بنسبة 32% في هؤلاء المرضي مقارنة بغيرهم.

يقلل قيام الليل من خطر الوفيات بجميع الأسباب ، خصوصا الناتج عن السكتة القلبية و الدماغية و بعض أنواع السرطان .

كذلك يقلل قيام الليل من مخاطر الموت المفاجئ بسبب اضطراب ضربات القلب لما يصاحبه من تنفس هواء نقي خال من ملوثات النهار و أهمها عوادم السيارات و مسببات الحساسية

قيام الليل ينشط الذاكرة و ينبه وظائف المخ الذهنية المختلفة لما فيه من قراءه و تدبر للقرآن و ذكر للأدعية و استرجاع لأذكار الصباح و المساء. فيقي من أمراض الزهايمر و خرف الشيخوخة و الاكتئاب و غيرها .
و كذلك يقلل قيام الليل من شده حدوث و التخفيف من مرض طنين الأذن لأسباب غير معروفه

((والحمد لله أن جعلنا مسلمين))

من جديد استملته عبر البريد الالكتروني منذ فترة ،، وهذا من الحقائق الكثيرة والتي لا تحصى لما أمره بنا رسول الله ،، حقائق تتوافق مع ما يحث علية العلم الحديث أو ما يتم اكتشافه ،، وكمسلمين مؤمنين نؤمن بهذا من قبل حتى اكتشاف العلماء له.
(Scientific inimitability in rising at night)

In a book called (the tried homey recipes and the secrets of natural healings) and its an English book by some Americans writers –edition 1993 said that rising at night from bed and do some movements or soft exercises,, with massaging the parts of body with water and take deep breathe has lots of benefits for human body.

Who look at these advices,, can see clearly that it's same with ablution for prayer in islam and with prayer of Qeyam Al Layel or rising prayer that prophet Mohammed incited people to do at night. He told people long before any researches about the benefits of rising to pray at early dawn,, as he said: ((you should make Qeyam Al Layel because it was the habit of believers before you,, and pious act to God,, and prohibit of sin,, and expiation of misdeeds,, and expeller of disease from human body))

Performiuning Qeyam reduces secretion of Cortisone especially before waking up which come with time before daybreak. So, that can protect body from sudden rising of sugar level in blood which make it danger on patients of diabetes,, also reduces the sudden rising of blood's pressure,, also protect from apoplexy and heart attack with people who can face this more.

Also, reduces the blood coagulation in jugular vein of eye's retinal, which happen because of slowness of blood's flow,, and increasing of blood's viscosity because of not drinking liquids ,,, or because of obesity and difficulty in breathing which restraining blood from going to head.


There are lots of benefits the article mentioned here,,, I couldn’t make up some Medical Terms,, it was hard to me to find the exact name for each term. Besides, a virus attacked my computer in last weekend and after formatting I lost all programs that helped me finding specific English words and terms.
Hope dear Arabic-speakers visitors who know about these terms help me and put them for other non-Arabic speakers.

Anyway,, all that confirm that rising at night and do movements like Qeyam Al Layel can help you ,,, mentally and physically,,, and spiritually too.
I got this by e-mail again and I was happy to read another new fact confirm prophet's advices. Even though, we believe what prophet's said and we weren’t waiting for any confirmation from scientists, but that can help who has some doubts about Islam to rethink again.

God Bless

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Happy Eid

Eid Mubarak. Warm wishes to Muslim Nation.

Wish God accepted your fasting and your good deeds. Wish God would give us a long life till next Ramadan. So, who missed this Ramadan, will make it up in next one InshaAllah.

&& Best wishes &&


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2006

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2006, divided into two equal parts, to Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank for their efforts to create economic and social development from below. Lasting peace can not be achieved unless large population groups find ways in which to break out of poverty. Micro-credit is one such means. Development from below also serves to advance democracy and human rights.

Muhammad Yunus has shown himself to be a leader who has managed to translate visions into practical action for the benefit of millions of people, not only in Bangladesh, but also in many other countries. Loans to poor people without any financial security had appeared to be an impossible idea. From modest beginnings three decades ago, Yunus has, first and foremost through Grameen Bank, developed micro-credit into an ever more important instrument in the struggle against poverty. Grameen Bank has been a source of ideas and models for the many institutions in the field of micro-credit that have sprung up around the world.

Every single individual on earth has both the potential and the right to live a decent life. Across cultures and civilizations, Yunus and Grameen Bank have shown that even the poorest of the poor can work to bring about their own development.

Micro-credit has proved to be an important liberating force in societies where women in particular have to struggle against repressive social and economic conditions. Economic growth and political democracy can not achieve their full potential unless the female half of humanity participates on an equal footing with the male.

Yunus's long-term vision is to eliminate poverty in the world. That vision can not be realised by means of micro-credit alone. But Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank have shown that, in the continuing efforts to achieve it, micro-credit must play a major part.


I think this time Nobel prize become real Noble to honor such a dedicated man like Yunus. I read about him and his bank years ago and it was something unbelievable. Why no one mention his work,, Why no one support him in his great way. I found few days ago an article about this honoring and I liked the comparing between Yunus as a simple man working to help poor people for noble cause while there who fight and revel in killing poor people by many ways under stupid reasons that not intercede for their crimes. Poor people not only in Bangladesh or Africa or far Asia,, I believe poor people are in all countries and even in Great Nations.

I'm sure Yunus and his Bank deserves worthiness this honoring and I hope to see honoring goes to who really deserves it.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Surah Al Qadar + Al Mo3wethatan

((إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةِ الْقَدْرِ * وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ * لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مِّنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍ * تَنَزَّلُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ وَالرُّوحُ فِيهَا بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِم مِّن كُلِّ أَمْرٍ * سَلَامٌ هِيَ حَتَّى مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْرِ))

((We revealed it on the Night of Power. * Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Night of Power is! * The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. * The angels and the Spirit descend therein, by the permission of their Lord, with all decrees. * (That night is) Peace until the rising of the dawn.))
Surah Al Qadar ,,, Surah No.97

Download and listen to this Surah by unknown boy

This time I uploaded new reciter. A sweet boy reciting Surah Al Qadr. My brother gave me a cassette with his reciting, so I tried to record his reciting to my PC. It's really pretty reciting with his sweet voice. I have other reciting for same boy, maybe I will try to upload them in future,,, if you liked his voice.

Al Qadr is a night in the last 10 days of Ramadan (These days!). Who will witness this night,, God will forgive his sins and achieve his wishes,, sooner or later.
Have you even met a person witnessed this night before?!!
A dear friend of mine told me about a girl from her neighborhood witnessed and saw this night few years ago. It was amazing! The girl noticed a very bright light while she was doing the ablution for Dawn prayer and she thought that was something from car passing by. But when she went out, she stunned to see all sky and places shining with bright light,, she saw people with white clothes in the sky. She stood still and couldn’t move. Her family called her, but she didn't reply. It was huge shock for her, but finally, she prayed for all people and not for herself.
NOW, you may laugh and think that could be a lie, but I will not put something suspicious in my blog. My friend is honest and trusted girl, she is pious and religious. She knows the girl and her family.
Yes, I believe in Al Qader night. Maybe one day, I will be lucky to witness it myself. Amen.


= Al Mo3wethatan =

Surah 113. Al-Falaq

((قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِ * مِن شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ * وَمِن شَرِّ غَاسِقٍ إِذَا وَقَبَ * وَمِن شَرِّ النَّفَّاثَاتِ فِي الْعُقَدِ * وَمِن شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدَ))

((Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak * From the evil of that which He created; * From the evil of the darkness when it is intense, * And from the evil of malignant witchcraft, * And from the evil of the envier when he envieth.))

Download and listen to this Surah by Ahmed Al Ajmi

Surah 114. Al-Nas

((قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ * مَلِكِ النَّاسِ * إِلَهِ النَّاسِ * مِن شَرِّ الْوَسْوَاسِ الْخَنَّاسِ * الَّذِي يُوَسْوِسُ فِي صُدُورِ النَّاسِ * مِنَ الْجِنَّةِ وَ النَّاسِ))

((Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, * The King of mankind, * The God of mankind, * From the evil of the sneaking whisperer, * Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind, * Of the jinn and of mankind.))

Download and listen to this Surah by Ahmed Al Ajmi

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Carrying wine bottles and going along with prostitutes!!

يحمل زجاجات الخمر .. ويصاحب بنات الهوى

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

يحكى أن السلطان العثماني بيازيد رأى هاتفاً في المنام فانتفض من مرقده، وأمر أمين سرّه أن يجهز بعض النفر كي يذهبوا جميعاً إلى مكان ما، دون أن يسأله عن الأسباب.. ولكن أعلمه أن هاتفاً جاءه في المنام
قصد السلطان وصاحبه والحاشية متنكرين المكان المقصود على حسب ما جاء في المنام ولدى وصولهم إليه وجدوا أنه حي سكني من ذوي الحال الميسور، ورأوا لفيفاً من الناس مجتمعين حول شخص ميت للتو.
فسألهم السلطان: ما الأمر؟
فأجابوه أن هذا شخص يعمل في حيهم منذ مدة طويلة وكان مثال الجد والتفاني في عمله كنعّال لحوافر الخيل وكان يحصّل الأجر الوفير من عمله.
فسألهم: لماذا لا تدفنوه إذاً؟
فقالوا: إننا لا نعلم أين يسكن و لا من أين يأتي كل يوم، ثم إنه رغم جدّه في عمله كان منبوذاً من كل أهل الحي لأنه كان بعد انتهاء عمله يشاهد حاملاً زجاجات الخمر ومصاحباً لبنات الهوى.
لذلك حين توفي أقسمنا أن نتركه هكذا دون دفن.
فأشار عليهم السلطان أن يخلّصهم من جثته؛ فوافقوا
حمل النفر الجثة وساروا بها، فهمس السلطان في أذن أمين سره أن يدفنه في باحة مسجده (المشهور حتى يومنا هذا – في استانبول) حسب ما جاءه في الحلم؛ فحاول أمين السر أن يعترض مفسراً له:يا سيدي السلطان.. بعد العمر الطويل ستدفن في ذلك المكان و لا يصح أبداً أن يكون قبرك مجاوراً لقبر ميت كهذا، فقطع عليه الطريق وأمره أن ينفذ دونما اعتراض، ودفن الرجل في مسجد بيازيد
بقي السلطان حائراً في أمره وقضّ عليه مضجعه، وهو يريد أن يعرف حقيقة أمر ذلك الرجل الميت وحاول مراراً أن يقصد ذلك الحي الذي التقطه منه عسى أن يعثر على بصيص أمل يقربه من الحقيقة إلى أن عثر بعد فترة على عجوز هرم على عكازين كان يعرف المتوفى لأن النعال ساعده ذات يوم ماطر بارد للوصول إلى بيته و أسرّ إليه أنه يسكن في مكان قريب من حيّه فدلّه عليه، وكان الحي في الطرف البعيد من اسطنبول، فقصد السلطان المكان وهو متنكر أيضاً وسأل أهل الحي عن بيت نعال الخيول فدلوه عليه؛
طرق الباب ففتحت له امرأة وقالت له بعد أن ألقى السلام
لقد توفي زوجي.. أليس كذلك؟
فقال: نعم، وجلس ينظر في زوايا الغرفة الصغيرة التي تقطنها مع أولادها فتعجب السلطان وقال:
لماذا أنتم على هذه الحال من الفقر وقد علمت أن زوجك المرحوم كان يجني مالاً كثيراً؟
أجابته المرأة: لقد كان زوجي الصالح يأتي كل يوم بالقليل من المال ما يسد به رمقنا لمعيشة يوم واحد.
فسألها: زوج صالح؟!! لقد سمعت أنه كان ينصرف من عمله للّهو وشرب الخمور
فتبسّمت وقالت لقد كان ينصرف من عمله ويأتي سيراً على قدميه، فكلما رأى رجلاً من حاملي زجاجات الخمر كان يحاول إقناعه بالعدول عن المحرمات فيأخذها منه ويدفع له ثمنها ليكسرها ويهدرها، أما بنات الهوى فكان يمسك بيد الواحدة منهن وينصحها ويجعلها تعدل عن فعلها للحرام ويوصلها إلى بيتها بعد أن يدفع لها المال، وكنت أنصحه دائماً أن ينقل عمله إلى حيّنا فيقول: وهل في حينا من يملك قوت يومه كي ينفق على حماره أو بغله؟!.
قلت له مرة ماذا لو حانت ساعتك وتوفيت في ذلك الحي البعيد حيث لا أحد يعرف أهلك أو بيتك؟
فرد عليّ: إن الله معنا و السلطان بيازيد سيتولى كل شيء بإذن الله
و ها أنت السلطان بيازيد عندنا

هذه القصة الجميلة ذات العبر المفيدة تبين أولا أن لا نتهم أحدا بشيء لا نعرف حاله حتى نتأكد منه وكأنما الحال يقول لذلك النفر الذين اتهموه بشرب الخمر ومصاحبة النساء بقوله تعالى ((يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِن جَاءكُمْ فَاسِقٌ بِنَبَأٍ فَتَبَيَّنُوا أَن تُصِيبُوا قَوْمًا بِجَهَالَةٍ فَتُصْبِحُوا عَلَى مَا فَعَلْتُمْ نَادِمِينَ))وأيضا تبين صلاح ذاك الحاكم والسلطان المسلم الذي بين الله تعالى له تلك الرؤية في المنام حتى ألهمه صلاح وخير ذاك الرجل الصالح.
وصلتني عبر البريد الالكتروني قبل فترة طويلة ، أحببتها جداً ، أتمنى أن تعجبكم.

Carrying wine bottles and going along with prostitutes!!

In the Name Of Allah

The story began with the Ottoman Sultan called Bayezid who got a vision while he was sleeping. So, he woke up immediately and ordered his secretary to collect a group to go out to somewhere at once, but he told him that he got a vision when he was sleeping.
The sultan with his servants went to the intended place as it came in the vision and they were disguised. When they reached the place, they found out that it's a district for rich people and they saw people surrounded a man died right away.
The sultan asked: what's happened?!!
They replied: this man worked in our neighborhood for a long time and he was great example for devotion and self-denial in his job as a blacksmith.
So he said: why you don't bury him?!!
They replied: we don't know where he live and from where he come everyday and although he was skillfulness in his job,, he was neglecting by people because after his work, people see him carry wine bottles and accompany prostitutes!!
So, when he died, we decided to leave his body and not bury him. The sultan suggested taking the body with him, so they agreed.
The sultan servants carried the body and while they are in their way,, sultan whispered to his secretary to bury the man in his mosque courtyard ( a famous mosque in Istanbul nowadays) according to the vision. The secretary refused this idea and said: oh dear sultan, after years you will bury in the same place, how you want someone like this dead man to bury in same place and be close to your grave, but the sultan said his word and asked him to do it without any discussion. So, they buried that man in the hall of Beyazit mosque.

The sultan was confused and couldn’t sleep well and he was thinking about that man and his story. So, he disguised and went back many times to that neighborhood to know anything about that man or where he lived. Until he found an old man with walking sticks that told him, the blacksmith helped him once to go to his house in cold rainy day and the blacksmith told him that he living nearby him in a specific neighborhood.

So, the sultan went to that neighborhood and asked people about the house of blacksmith. They directed him to the house, he knocked the door and then a woman opened. After he greeted her she said: my husband died…isn't it?!!
He replied: Yes, while he was looking with wonder to that small room where she is living with her kids. Then he asked her: why you are so poor and your husband used to gain a lot of money?!!
She replied: My devoted husband used to come every day with little money that enough for one day living.
He said: devoted husband?!!! I heard that he used to spend his time and money after work in useless things,, to play and waste time.
She smiled and said:
He used to leave his work and come back on his feet. So, each time he meet a person carrying wine bottles, he tries to convince him to leave this thing and he buys all wine bottles from him and then break it down and pour out all wine on ground. Also, each time he meet one of prostitutes, he advises her to leave this dirty road till she convinces, then he accompanies her to her house and gives her a money. I always advised him to move his work to our neighborhood, but he says that people of our neighborhood much poor to need a blacksmith and they can barely find what they need for each day.

I once asked him: what if you died there and people there don't know you or know your family and house?!!
He replied: God is with us and sultan Bayezid will take care of everything by God willing.
And here you are Sultan Bayezid!


It's a very touching story, I really loved it so much and I believe it's true and God will take care of anyone who is devoted, pious and honest. I received this story by e-mail a long time ago. I decided it's really pretty story to share it with you. Hope you will love it and get the idea!

((O ye who believe! If an evil liver bring you tidings, verify it, lest ye smite some folk in ignorance and afterward repent of what ye did.)) 49:6

{it’s a quick translation ,,,hope I did well}

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Surah 112. Al-Ikhlas

((قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ * اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ * لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ * وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ))

((Say: He is Allah, the One! * Allah, the eternally Besought of all! * He begetteth not nor was begotten. * And there is none comparable unto Him.))

Download and listen to this Surah by Ahmed Al Ajmi


((وَتَزَوَّدُواْ فَإِنَّ خَيْرَ الزَّادِ التَّقْوَى وَاتَّقُونِ يَا أُوْلِي الأَلْبَابِ))

The CD Translation: ((So make provision for yourselves (here after); for the best provision is to ward off evil. Therefore keep your duty unto Me, O men of understanding.))

My Translation: ((take along provisions and the best provisions is godliness. and devote me, O men of intellect))

2: part of 197 verse

Download and listen to this verse by Abed Al Baseet Abed Al Samad

Monday, October 02, 2006



I can't express my fondness and passion to this movie. I just watched it few days ago in English and then in Arabic. I watched it for first time through video, when my big brother brought a video tape of this movie and I was little girl at that time, but I was fascinating by the actors and especially "Anthony Quinn" who was playing the role of Omar Mukhtar. He was so gorgeous with his clothes and majestic character. Okay, I thought he was really Omar Al Mukhtar, the real one. So, I involved more with events and I cried in the end when Italians hanged him. That's really touch me till now.

I still love to watch same movie more and more and I never get tired. It's one of the best movies ever and directed by my favorite director our Dear Late Mustapha Al Akkad. Who killed with his daughter in Amman in that terrorist attack by some cowards.

Also, last week I watched gorgeous documentary about Islamic heritage and great legacy of Muslims in Andalusia. It was great to see some appreciations and veneration to what Muslims scholars and Muslim rule on Andalusia and other areas. Some people of Andalusia expressed their appreciation to Islamic and Arabs rule,,, even there is a church for people whom their grandparents were in Andalusia during Arabs rule and not accept any other people. I loved the harmony life during Islamic rule there, Muslims, Christians, Jews lived together, worked together, even made a translation house to translate books and develop sciences. It was like a city of light in the middle of Dark continent. Many scholars came from all Europe to learn and be part of that lighthouse of science.
The documentary broadcasted on Al-Jazeera and then I watched it in another channel. It's in English and the presenter a man looked like Tiger Wood. I know him, but I don't know his name.

So, I laughed at what Aznar drawled about.
Read with me:

Aznar:“Muslims should apologize for occupying Spain for 800 years”
Bush and his war on terror, said the West is under attack from radical Islam and must defend itself. “It is them or it is us,” Aznar said. “There is no middle ground.”
Jose Maria Aznar
Muslims should apologize for occupying Spain for 800 years and a U.N.-backed program to encourage dialogue between them and West is stupid, former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar has said. Aznar made his comments Friday night in a speech at the Hudson Institute, a thinktank in Washington, D.C., as he discussed Pope Benedict XVI's recent remarks on Islam and violence. Aznar, a firm ally of U.S. President George W.
Bush and his war on terror, said the West is under attack from radical Islam and must defend itself. “It is them or it is us,” Aznar said. “There is no middle ground.” He did not elaborate. Aznar said he found it surprising that Muslims have demanded an apology from the pope over his Sept. 12 remarks.
Aznar noted the nearly 800-year Moorish occupation of Spain that began in the year 711 with an invasion from North Africa. He said Muslims had never apologized for this but still demand apologies whenever they feel offended by remarks by non-Muslims. “It's absurd,” Aznar said.
He also criticized an initiative launched last year by his Socialist successor, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, to encourage dialogue between the West and Muslim countries.

It's really clear. He is mad because he lost his position and Zapatero is now under spotlight and not him (he thinks that because of Muslims, not because of his biased policy). He wants to make what we call "tempest in a teapot" and make his own revenge. I can't believe he is ignorant too, he is not, but he must see deeply and compare wisely between Islamic rule and what Muslims did in Andalusia or Spain and what some European colonialism countries like Italy or France did when they invaded other countries like Libya or Algeria.
I don't think he has that big influence and people of Spain still love and appreciate what Islamic rule gave them. They even still apply some Islamic rules till this day. There are great ancient buildings left make all people and tourists stand astonished. Andalusia during Islamic rule was a piece of heaven,,, Covered with Heaven's lights and they achieved the peaceful coexistence, so it's not stupid or impossible. It can be done if all people really work for it.

I love Spain,,, I love Al Andalos, I love what Muslims "the real Muslims" did there. Hope Andalusia can regain its glory and its magnificence one day!